Italy 24 Press News

Alba, Bra, Fossano and Saluzzo, what impact will the drop in turnout have? –

We are waiting to see what the results of the administrative elections will be in Alba, Bra, Fossano and Saluzzo, where there has been a drop in turnout compared to five years ago, ranging from almost 8 percentage points in Bra to 6 in Alba, to 5 in Fossano and the 4 of Saluzzo.

Percentages that could be decisive on the final result. We will see if they will equally penalize the center-right and center-left alignments or if they will benefit one or the other. And then – in the cases of Alba and Saluzzo – to understand if and how the drop in turnout will influence a possible runoff.

For Bra and Fossano, since only two coalitions are on the field, the problem of the second round does not arise.

The hypothesis of a run-off in Alba, on the basis of the mayoral candidacies in the field, appears plausible, considering that last time Carlo Bo, mayoral candidate of the centre-right, had won in the first round with 51%. An element that adds to the considerations expressed above.

In Saluzzo – where the decline in turnout was more limited – it is a question of understanding what driving effect the centre-right parties will have in the municipal elections. The ballot hypothesis appears essentially linked to this aspect.

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