Italy 24 Press News

Wanted man marries and takes his wife’s surname, arrested

8 June 2024

The man was arrested by the police: he had been wanted for three years.

He was arrested by the Carabinieri of the Operational and Radiomobile Unit of the Aurisina Company 40 year old Albanian citizen with criminal recordtraced at the border in Basovizza.

The stranger he had been wanted for three years as the recipient of an imprisonment order of one year and eight months for the crime of evasioncommitted in the province of Novara in 2014, but to escape controls it was returned to his homeland where he had married and the law allows the husband, through marriage, to take his wife’s surname.

This is what the criminal did by taking his wife’s surname on the documents in order to return to our country with a new, de facto, “clean” “identity”. It’s a shame that the ruse didn’t work in front of the Carabinieri who stopped him and accompanied him to the barracks to be checked. The identification betrayed him and allowed him to reconstruct the judicial events of the man who at the end of the operations was taken to the prison in Trieste to pay his debt to justice.

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