Italy 24 Press News

UNCI, National Union of Black Stilts, BAT Section, has been named after Pietro Mennea since yesterday –

UNCI National Union of Black Stilts Provincial Section Barletta Andria Trani in 2024 concludes its first five-year period since, in 2019, it was established with the election of its first Board of Directors and President, and since yesterday it boasts of being named after the Grand Officer Pietro Paolo Mennea.

The Cav. Michele Grimaldi, first provincial President of UNCI BAT, exactly 2 years ago, on 7 June 2022, after carrying out a survey among the 65 honored members who are part of UNCI Barletta Andria Trani, regarding the naming of the Provincial Section after personalities prominent on the national scene and above all in the Territory and having unanimously chosen the Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Republic Pietro Mennea, he sent a letter to the lawyer. Manuela Olivieri, wife of the Barlettano Champion, with whom she asked to be authorized to name the UNCI Barletta Andria Trani Provincial Section after the “Grand Officer Pietro Paolo Mennea”, an honor that Mennea had received “Motu Proprio” from the President of the Republic Sandro Pertini at after winning the Gold Medal in the 200 meters at the Moscow Olympics in 1980.

The lawyer’s response. Olivieri was prompt, very courteous and in the following manner: “Dear President, through this letter, I would like to thank you and the members of UNCI for having expressed the desire to name the Provincial Section of Barletta Andria Trani after my husband: Pietro Paolo Mennea, who in 1980 he was awarded the prestigious honor of Grand Officer of the Republic by President Sandro Pertini, who, to give him this honor, due to Pietro’s young age, awarded him “motu proprio”, also in consideration of the profound affection and mutual esteem that bonded these two very special men.” And he concluded “Naturally I can only express my consent and authorize this initiative”.

Following this response, the decision was presented to Comm. Maurizio Pedrini, National President of UNCI at the time, who was extremely pleased “Following your very welcome communication, I can only express my joy and full agreement with the choice adopted by the Provincial Board of UNCI Barletta Andria Trani, which pays homage to an extraordinary man and exceptional champion who I have always admired, an example of commitment, dedication and extraordinary moral integrity. During my intense journalistic activity I had the opportunity to meet and interview great sports champions, but I will always remember my meeting with the wonderful Pietro with immense emotion. Thanks again for sharing and congratulations to all of you!”.

And finally yesterday, 6 June, in the splendid setting of the “De Santis” barracks, headquarters of the Barletta Andria Trani provincial command of the Guardia di Finanza as part of the official presentation of the special 10 euro coin that the State Printing and Mint Institute has wanted to dedicate to the Barletta sprinter Pietro Mennea, the provincial President of UNCI Barletta Andria Trani, Cav. Michele Grimaldi, had the pleasure and honor of delivering to the lawyer. Olivieri Mennea the crest of the Association with the new title “UNCI Provincial Section of Barletta Andria Trani Grand Officer Pietro Paolo Mennea”, the photo that portrays the great Champion while receiving the Honor of Grand Officer and a very welcome Tree from the hands of President Pertini Genealogy of the Mennea Family.

So a beautiful day in memory of an immense champion who has been an integral part of the UNCI family since yesterday

Saturday 8 June 2024


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