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The Jehovah’s Witness patient, informed consent, transfusions and doctors involved. A conference today at the Annunziata

(AGENPARL) – Rome, 6 June 2024

(AGENPARL) – Thu 06 June 2024 The Jehovah’s Witness patient, informed consent, transfusions and doctors involved in the management of the clinical case
A conference at the Annunziata in the name of inclusion. Health workers from the entire hospital network are involved
Florence – The opening of Santa Maria Annunziata to the territory continues. After several events presenting activities and innovations on services, this afternoon the hospital opens its doors to an initiative aimed at healthcare professionals from across the hospital network to raise awareness of a reality present in all hospital facilities nationwide: the community of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
The seminar aims to bring attention to a topic that is always current, but which often comes to light only in moments of urgency. We want to make the various participants aware of the reality of Jehovah’s Witnesses and their approach to the possible event of a blood transfusion (planned, programmable and in emergency-urgency) and the responsibility of the doctors involved in the management of the clinical case.
The conference, which started at 2pm, is still underway in the Auditorium. It was opened by Dr. Elettra Pellegrino, Medical Director of the Presidium and various actors will be present including representatives of the Jehovah’s Witnesses association.
The objective is to shed light on the peculiarities that can emerge in the various health treatments that health professionals, doctors, nurses, health professionals and all staff, make available to the community, with a view to safeguarding their professionalism.
The approach is multidisciplinary and everything revolves around the central theme of Blood Component Transfusion.
Pietro Dattolo, President of the Medical Association, will speak, with a focus centered on informed consent and the Code of Ethics that regulates good clinical practice.
For the healthcare part, Gori Gabriele, Anesthesiologist at the Santa Maria Annunziata hospital, will explain the Advance Treatment Provisions (law 219/2017) and Franco Vocioni, Director of the Department of Laboratory Medicine who will illustrate the techniques and the various alternatives to transfusion .
This first part will then be integrated by another section on aspects related to Clinical Risk, to protect healthcare professionals and guarantee quality care for Jehovah’s Witness patients, with the intervention of Francesco Venneri, Company Clinical Risk Manager; subsequently the medico-legal aspects will be expanded with the intervention of Raffaella Giannini, SOC Director of Hospital Legal Medicine and Management of Corporate Conflicts, who will deal with technical and practical aspects of requests for compensation for damages and the presentation of clinical cases.
The lawyer Paolo Pisani, member of the Equal Opportunities Committee of the lawyers of Florence and trustee lawyer of the Central Tuscany Local Health Authority, closes by recalling the legal aspects, civil and criminal liability, obviously always with a view to the protection of both parties.
The event is designed with a view to inclusion and collaboration with entities that interface with the healthcare world for various needs and in various capacities.
Paola Baroni
Piazza S. Maria Nuova 1, Florence
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