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Colelli “Good choice to get on the ambulance”

“There was no reprimand from the Operations Center.” This is how the director of 118, Stefano Colelli, clarified the matter concerning Dr. Giuseppe Lorusso. The doctor from Foggia, working at the Candela Medical Guard, provided first aid to a patient suffering from a heart attack, collaborating with the 118 operators and helping to avoid worse consequences.

Colelli clarified that the news according to which Lorusso had been reprimanded for having climbed into the ambulance, without a doctor on boardis unfounded. During the transport to the hospital, Lorusso performed tasks that are not normally the responsibility of a Continuity of Care doctor.

The patient had gone to the doctor’s office complaining of chest pain. “The doctor immediately called 118 for an electrocardiogram, which revealed a heart attack. He consciously medicalized the ambulance during transport to the hospital. An appropriate choice,” explained Colelli.

“At no time was any warning issued to the doctor. On the contrary, Lorusso put into practice the knowledge he acquired during his previous service in 118,” added Colelli.

The real criticality, according to Colelli, concerns the shortage of doctors in emergency-urgency: “This is a problem of national scope. There is a shortage of doctors and nurses, and the situation continues to worsen. We once had 160 doctors, now we only have 60,” he concluded. reports it

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