Italy 24 Press News

evaluation of the 2020 ordinary secondary school competition, clarifications on the ordinary childhood competition and on the teachers present in GAE

On the page dedicated to information on filling out GPS 2024 applications, the Ministry of Education has published three new FAQs, which we report below.


These are important clarifications: the possibility of declaring the passing of the ordinary secondary school competition which gives access to the first band as a cultural qualification which confers three additional points; the non-declarability of the ordinary nursery and primary school competition as a further qualification; the need to include the qualification score for those in GAE in the GPS 1 support band by the local school offices.

FAQ 61

I am registered in GaE for a secondary school competition class and, for the same province, I am filling out the application for registration in GPS band 1 for the same grade support, but the system prevents me from declaring the qualification, obtained in 2001, at point B.1.b of table A7. What procedure should I follow to obtain recognition of the score referred to in points A1 and A2 of Tab A3, to which Table 7, point B.1.b refers?

Since the score referred to in Tab7 point B1 is automatically calculated from the corresponding GPS band 1 ranking, if the latter is not present, at the end of the application the competent territorial offices will proceed to assign the qualification score due, according to the instructions that will be provided by the competent General Management for school staff.

FAQ 62

I passed the ordinary competition referred to in DD n. 498 of 21 April 2020. I can declare which one further qualification for the specific position”, pursuant to point B.12 of the A1 evaluation tables?

No; the ordinary competition for nursery and primary schools is not qualifying, as the qualification constitutes access to the competition procedure. The qualification may instead be declared in point B.1.

If the qualification has already been declared in point B.12, the competent territorial offices, upon closing the application, will remove it according to the instructions that will be provided by the competent General Directorate for school personnel.

FAQ 63

I achieved thequalification for having passed an ordinary el. competition I used it to enroll in the first level rankings, also benefiting from the additional score referred to in point A.2 of table A3. Can I also declare the same competition in point B.6?

Yes, having theOM 88/2024 implemented the CSPI’s proposal to assign the score even in the case in which passing an ordinary qualifying competition is already used as an entrance qualification, in order to enhance participation in selective competitive tests.

We remind you that on this page you can find our special GPS 2024 with lots of useful information.

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