Italy 24 Press News

Republic Day, celebrations in Friuli Venezia Giulia

Republic Day invites everyone to cultivate the precious good of unity and sharing and, as Mattarella underlined, it is a day that recalls the values ​​of identity and of a far-sighted and wise Constitution: communion of intentions and the ability to cooperate for the common good must prevail despite the electoral climate leading to a climate of clash and even more so in these hours in which Friuli Venezia Giulia is experiencing the drama of young lives broken.

This was stated by the deputy governor of the Region Mario Anzil on the sidelines of the 78th anniversary of the foundation of the Republic, participating on the delegation of the governor of Friuli Venezia Giulia at the ceremony in Piazza Libertà in Udine. The member of the Council recalled both President Mattarella’s speech and the heartfelt message that the prefect addressed referring to the tragedy of the three boys in Natisone. The lieutenant governor attended the wreath-laying at Small shrine to the fallen of the Great War in the procession made up of the prefect, mayor of Udine and commander of the Julia Brigade.

After reading the message of President of the Republic and the greetings to the banner, the ceremony for the Fallen ended to make room for the honors ceremony in the Prefecture cloister.

The celebrations in Redipuglia.

Representing the Region at the celebration ceremony on 2 June in Redipuglia was, however, the regional councilor for Heritage Sebastiano Callari, underlining how the Shrine more than any other place in the region embodies the spirit of those who sacrificed the greatest good high, one’s existence, for the homeland. Today, when one of the founding values ​​of the Republic, namely the commitment to peace, is put at risk by the difficult situation – added the councilor – it is essential to remember history to avoid repeating the mistakes that led to the tragedies of the short century .

In Trieste.

In the regional capital, the regional councilor for local authorities Pierpaolo Roberti and the councilor for environmental defense Fabio Scoccimarro participate in the events organized in Piazza Unità by the Prefecture of Trieste, in collaboration with the Municipality of Trieste, the “Friuli Venezia Giulia” Army Military Command ” and the “Giuseppe Tartini” Music Conservatory.

Taking part in the solemn flag raising this morning, the Councilor for Environmental Defense hoped that this 2 June will be a moment to reflect on how certain values ​​achieved are not in reality eternal: today more than ever they need to be defended in order to renew the commitment against the current anti-democratic tendencies that would like to bring back the ideological and violent clashes of the past.

The councilor for local authorities will instead take part in the solemn lowering of the flag and, on the sidelines of the ceremony in Piazza Unità in Trieste, he addressed a respectful thought to the fallen who contributed to making Italy a united country and a free and democratic nation and to the Armed forces that work to guarantee civil coexistence in a security framework.

In Pordenone.

In Pordenone, the councilor for Agricultural Resources Stefano Zannier, representing the Region at the demonstration in Piazza Enea Ellero dei Mille, underlined how this anniversary is a banner of freedom conquered by a people who even today must find themselves united and firm around the values ​​of their history and their own civilization.

In Cordenons.

The day of celebrations will end in Cordenons, where the councilor for Infrastructure and Territory Cristina Amirante will take part in the concert for the 78th anniversary, an opportunity to convey the profound importance of this day through the language of music, especially to young people generations – it was highlighted – the reflection on the importance of active participation in the democratic life of the country.

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