Italy 24 Press News

Van on fire and fire on a construction site. SOS also for two accidents

THE TWO ACCIDENTS along the Valdaso yesterday evening and on the Mezzina this morning. Flames in Montegranaro and Lido Tre Archi. No serious injuries were reported

June 1, 2024 – 12.34 pm

Last night’s accident on Valdaso

Two accidents and as many fires in the Fermo area, between yesterday evening and this morning. Let’s start from yesterday when, around 8pm, along the Valdaso, a girl lost control of her car and ended up off the road. Luckily nothing serious for the young motorist. On site, close to the crossroads that leads to Monte Vidon Combatte, the carabinieri and Tomassini roadside assistance.

From last night to this morning when a van and a car collided along the Mezzina provincial road. Nothing serious for motorists, even in this case. The police and Virgili roadside assistance were on site to remove the damaged vehicles. Road temporarily closed to facilitate rescue operations.

The accident on the Mezzina

From road accidents to fires. Another fire, another car devoured by flames. Last night in Montegranaro around two o’clock, the quiet night was once again disturbed by the sound of fire brigade sirens. A company van caught fire in via Carlo Alberto, a closed street parallel to the main via Umbria, just below the central square of San Serafino. The firefighters who responded managed to put out the fire, but the vehicle was now completely destroyed. Notified by the owners themselves who smelled the acrid smell of smoke and the flames that quickly enveloped the vehicle, the 115 men made the area safe. The vehicle, a work van, was parked right under the home of the owner of the individual business. In addition to losing the vehicle, there was damage to the fence and fixtures of the house above, invaded by fire and soot. The police are also on site trying to trace the causes of the fire.

Flames, not only in Montegranaro. In fact, this morning, around 11 am, the firefighters intervened in Lido Tre Archi due to a fire that broke out inside a construction site. Fortunately, in this case, a small fire was put out in a short time and without consequences for anyone.

Laura Cutini

The van burned in Montegranaro


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