Italy 24 Press News

What Toti said about inflated covid data to have more vaccines

The responses to Giovanni Toti’s prosecutors, who were under house arrest as part of the maxi investigation into corruption in Liguria, are contained in a 27-page document. An interrogation that lasted about eight hours in which the president of the Liguria Region touches on various topics, the relationships with Signorini and Spinelli, those with the Testa brothers in the electoral campaign, Esselunga and also the famous thirty-year concession of the Rinfuse terminal.

Corruption, Toti: “I have not made any connection between Spinelli’s money and the extension of the concession in port”

As part of the investigation there is also an accusation of forgery in the area relating to healthcare. According to investigators, in fact, the numbers of the elderly Ligurian population would have been inflated to obtain a greater number of Covid vaccines from the commissioner structure.

Toti: “Esselunga in Liguria? For us a pre-eminent political objective”

Among the 167 questions posed by the public prosecutors Federico Manotti and Luca Monteverde, together with the deputy Vittorio Ranieri Miniati, one concerns this very issue. The investigators cite a conversation intercepted in the office of Matteo Cozzani (the governor’s chief of staff, ed.) hypothesizing that some data relating to the ‘over 80’ residents in Liguria were increased to obtain a greater supply of anti-covid vaccines from the commissioner structure . Toti claims not to remember the conversation and explains: “I exclude that Alisa sent untruthful data. It is possible that there was discussion about the number of eighty-year-olds resident in the Ligurian territory on a permanent basis and those who resided there temporarily and of whom we should have take charge as regional health care. Given the latter which was not at all safe”.

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