Italy 24 Press News

Diga Genova, Orlando: “Liguria held hostage by the lack of resignations, works blocked by the rhetoric of doing, shortcuts are ‘extensions'”

“Last April 3rd we asked Minister Salvini for an account of the findings raised by Anac on the works for the Genoa Dam and we were told what he said today, namely that the findings do not affect the procedure. Then there was an investigation , whose results we will await, but which certainly did not comfort us regarding the transparency and linearity of the procedures followed by the “gang” that in fact managed and controlled the Port of Genoa. After this investigation, it will be a coincidence of time, Minister Salvini has he decided to send the inspectors to the Port Authority of Genoa? Is this a reconsideration of what he said previously? extensions”. Today Secolo XIX writes that the procedure is eight months late and the investigation was not yet there”. The Democratic Party deputy and former Minister of Labor said it, Andrea Orlandoduring the question time in the Chamber, speaking on the question addressed to the Minister of Transport, Matteo Salvini, on the ministerial commission announced for the Port Authority of Genoa and on the works for the new Dam.

“We want the works to proceed with correctness and transparency. We don’t want Liguria to stop and we would also like to collaborate to get out of this ugly mess you’ve gotten yourself into – said Orlando then replying to Minister Salvini – but for this to happen you should at least have clear ideas. Because first of all, and this is good news, you tell us that you have the procedure for the appointment of the new President of the Port Authority of Genoa but his deputy minister has said that the Liguria Region is not able to give the concert. Due to the fact that we have to go ahead with the works, you continue to say that there should be no resignation an ordinary activity in the region but you are holding it hostage. Is it clear what the exact mandate of the ministerial inspectors is? Are they supposed to deal with the concessions or not? Because if they have to deal with it, you have to draw some conclusions, wait at least another four months before putting in more money and exposing the directors to tax liabilities. If, however, they don’t take care of it, then you are saying that you are putting your face on the correctness of this procedure – concluded the former Democratic minister – and he takes on an enormous political responsibility for it after somehow the judicial affair has torn something apart with respect to the methods that were followed in that affair. With the rhetoric of hurrying up, you have blocked Liguria.”

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