Italy 24 Press News

Rimini, slaps to the ex in the club which then catches fire. Footballer arrested. The owner had kicked him out: “He’s yellow”

Slapped in front of so many people, on the beach, in the early afternoon of a sunny Sunday, last April 14th. Scene – which left the witnesses stunned – which took place near the “Kiosko Vincanto”, a Verucchio, about ten kilometers from Rimini. That same night the club, owned by a well-known singer-songwriter from Riminithe 55 year old Filippo Malatesta, was set on fire, charred by arson.

For those slaps to the womanand also for other persecutory acts, her ex was arrested, a 44-year-old man, Andrea Mussoni, a good former full-back who reached C1 playing mainly for Rimini, of which he was a pillar in defense.

When his employees notified him that Sunday regarding what had happened outside the club, Malatesta was strict with the former player with whom he had been a friend for a long time: “You won’t set foot in here again.” The reply was this: “Don’t worry, tomorrow you won’t have the place anymore, I’ll throw four Molotov cocktails at you.”

It should be clarified immediately that for the Carabinierii of the provincial command of Rimini, directed by Ruggero Rugge, there is no connection between the arrest and the fire, although the investigations still underway are going in all directions. If Mussoni, assisted by the lawyer Gianandrea Pazzini, is in prison, after the order signed by the investigating judge Vinicio Cantarini which accepted the request of the prosecutor Luca Bertuzzi, is for stalking his ex-partner who reported him the day after what happened on the beach. The list of charges includes, in addition to persecutory acts, aggravated bodily harm, trespass and damage. The day before slapping her, the former footballer approached her near her home and then slashed the tires of the woman’s friend’s car.

The singer-songwriter – his real surname is Baschetti, Malatesta is a tribute to the noble house of Rimini – now shakes his head. “From I have been a friend of Andrea for a long time, he was often here, in the evening it could happen that he would help us take out the empties” he says on the phone, initially reluctant to talk and unaware of the judicial measure. «There is an ongoing investigation – he specifies – and I would not like to go beyond what I have reported; we were all worried about her, but I can say that I feel sorry for him…”.

Filippo limits himself to telling the story what happened on Sunday, with the place crowded “with about fifty people. She was at the table with other friends.” Suddenly Mussoni appears, sits aside at a table, but begins to pester her ex by sending her audio with his cell phone. Malatesta initially tries to cajole him with kindness, “I offer him a drink and tell him: come on, don’t worry.” A few hours pass, the woman is on the beach, the ex approaches her, slaps her, and leaves. He reappears shortly after but Filippo is strict with him: “I’ve been following you since this morning to tell you to stay calm… You won’t set foot here again.” He concludes: «Imagine, putting your hands on a woman…».

As for the threat to set the place on fire, the singer-songwriter — several albums and collaborations with Corrado Rustici, former producer of Zucchero and then also of Elisa — says that «at first I didn’t give it any weight and I went home calmly, around 11pm». A couple of hours later a collaborator calls him: “The Kiosko is on fire.” In ten minutes the fire devours everything, only ash remains. Mussoni then “I saw him around a couple of times, we didn’t say a word to each other”.
Now? «I was pleased by the many testimonies of affection from customers, a subscription started. The City gave me temporary permits for this summer. Then we will rebuild everything.”

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