Alex Marangon dies on the Piave riverbed. The barman disappeared during a party

There is no good news about the affair of Alex Marangonthe 26-year-old boy who disappeared last June 30. In fact, during the day today, it was learned that the young man was found dead by the firefighters. Thus ends the search for the barman, who vanished into thin air during the night between Saturday and Sunday.

The disappearance and the searches

According to investigators, Alex was last seen during the night between Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th June. The 26-year-old was attending a party at the Abbey of Santa Bona in Vidor, near the river Piavein the province of Treviso. The young man had reached the party with his own car, which was then parked with all his personal effects, including his cell phone.

According to some friends, Alex had at a certain point abandoned the partywalking away alone. This was around 2:30 in the morning. Then, nothing. So much so that on the morning of Sunday 30 the alarm had already been raised and the search had begun. There were many hypotheses. There was immediately fear of the Piave River, particularly treacherous in that area. The Treviso firefighters moved to find the boy, as did the diving group from Venice. They searched far and wide, and with each hour the hope of finding the 26-year-old still alive faded. Drones and thermal cameras were also used in the search.

Yesterday, the dramatic appeal of the boy’s mother, Sabrina. Today, unfortunately, the terrible news.

The discovery

According to reports in the last few hours, Alex Marangon’s body was found on a small islet del Piave, Ciano del Montello area (Treviso). The discovery was made at around 2.30 pm by the firefighters, who were flying over the area on board the Drago 149 helicopter. Apparently the body was located 4 km downstream from the point where the search had actually begun. It was no longer possible to do anything for the young man, it was only noted that death. It will now be up to the investigators to establish the dynamics of the incident and understand what caused the boy’s death.

Once recovered, the body was transferred to the morgue in Montebelluna. It is likely that the judge in charge will decide to have a examination autopsy on the body, so as to have clear the causes of death. According to what was reported by The Gazettethe young man kept a diary to write down his thoughts and investigators are looking for him.

Maybe that diary might hold some answers.

For now, no lead seems to be excluded. The boy could have slipped into the Piave, or had a HIGHLANDSThose who know him tend to exclude the hypothesis of suicide.

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NEXT the 26-year-old had disappeared after a party