the 26-year-old had disappeared after a party


July 2, 2024


After 3 days of searching, the body of barman Alex Marangon has been found. The 26-year-old had disappeared during the night between Saturday and Sunday during a party at the Abbey of Santa Bona in Vidor. In the early afternoon of today, July 2, the dramatic turning point. Now the causes of death are being investigated.

A lifeless body was found in the area of Cyan of Montelloa hamlet of the municipality of Crocetta del Montello, in the province of Treviso, stranded on a small island on the Piave River.

It’s about Alex Marangonthe 26-year-old Venetian bartender who disappeared last weekend while attending a party at the Santa Bona Abbey, in Vidor, about seven kilometers from where he was found.

As confirmed to Fanpage by sources close to the investigation, the body was spotted in an inaccessible area to the point that a helicopter was activated for its recovery. Firefighters and Carabinieri intervened on site.

Alex Marangon Missing After Party, Search for His Diary. His Mom: “We Were Supposed to Have Lunch Together”

The body was transported to the Montebelluna morgue for examination by the coroner and is at the disposal of the judicial authorities who will have to decide whether to formally proceed with the‘autopsywho will be able to say something more about the causes of death.

The causes of death are being investigated

Between hypothesis the investigators are considering the possibility that the boy could be slipped into the water without being able to re-emerge or having had a HIGHLANDS. The one of suicide, however, is further away.

The news of the disappearance by Alex Marangon had shocked the entire Markwhere the boy lived with his family. The boy had left, according to the partygoers, around 3 in the morning and had disappeared without a trace since then.

Cell phone found, diary sought

The 26-year-old had left his wallet and keys in the car, while his smartphone was found in the bedroom where he was supposed to spend the night. His mother had launched an appeal for a search, hoping it was a simple case of him wandering off: “Help us find him, he’s a quiet boy. He would never have wandered off without saying anything.” That day his parents were expecting him for lunch.

To recover Alex, a huge task force was activated which operated over the last few days, scanning a large area, starting from Otter. Until this afternoon, with the dramatic turning point.

Whoever investigates is now looking for the diary where Alex wrote down his thoughts. His friend Matteo had given it to him for his birthday. “I hope he just wanted to isolate himself for a few days, without letting anyone know, but a few pages of that diary could provide ideas for those who are looking for it,” he said.

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