“On Xylella, it is urgent to appoint a special commissioner”

“On Xylella, it is urgent to appoint a special commissioner”
“On Xylella, it is urgent to appoint a special commissioner”

An extraordinary commissioner and adequate investments in scientific research, but not only that. Gennaro Sicolopresident of Italy olive growing, president of cia puglia and national vice president of Cia-Italian Farmerscalls for concrete actions against the spread of Xylella fastidiosa.

Sicolo was invited by the XIII Commission of the Chamber of Deputies at the hearing of representatives of Italia Olivicola, as part of the fact-finding investigation on Xylella.

An extraordinary commissioner

Gennaro Sicolo

“It is necessary – says Sicolo – the immediate appointment of a commissioner who can coordinate the containment activities in the buffer zone, urging public administrations, state railways and other entities to do their part, immediately adopting the appropriate phytosanitary measures. But containment plans alone are not enough, because above all we need to promote scientific research in order to find the right therapy to save the plants. Up to now we have only had diagnoses, but we are waiting for research to give us the therapy. A decisive intervention by the Puglia Region, the Government and the European Community is urgently needed”.

Since 2013, President Sicolo has raised public awareness and urged institutions to contain the Xylella bacterium that is affecting olive growing in Puglia and Italy. The Government has been asked to intervene several times. The idea of ​​a commissioner with adequate powers and resources has been repeatedly proposed so that he can coordinate scientific research and implement measures to contain the bacterium, as well as implement a real regeneration plan for the affected area, namely Salento.

“We need to strengthen all the tools and initiatives to combat the disease, which we have already been dealing with for over ten years, through more systematic support for scientific research, creating and strengthening an international network capable of finding finally effective solutions – adds Sicolo – but it is clear that the national government must do much more to combat it, in order to avoid the spread of Xylella fastidiosa. We need unity of intent, with a national control room, for the allocation of new resources and the strengthening of prevention activities and to encourage the streamlining of bureaucratic procedures”.

A scientific task force

Cia-Agricoltori Italian has always relied on science: the national government and the European Union support the scientific task force, so that research finally arrives at effective and applicable solutions”.

We reiterated our commitment to stand alongside farmers, institutions and scientific research institutes to continue to do our part in the fight against Xylella, which must mobilize everyone, each one for their own role and possibilities, so that this plague is finally eradicated.

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