Salernitana, Fontana leaps to pole: the match with Latina awaits

Salernitana, Fontana leaps to pole: the match with Latina awaits
Salernitana, Fontana leaps to pole: the match with Latina awaits


Gaetano Fontana could be the surprise name for the Salernitana bench. The Calabrian coach, who has already coached Nocerina, Juve Stabia, Casertana and Turris in Campania, was contacted by the sporting director Gianluca Petrachi to collect the legacy of Andrea Sottil. In May, the coach signed the renewal of his contract with Latina, a Serie C club that appeared disconcerted and at times annoyed by the negotiations set up by Salernitana. “Fontana? He is under contract with us, we know that he has been approached by Salernitana in these hours, let’s see”, the version provided by the Lazio club.

The idea of ​​aiming for a young profile ready to compete with the cadets for the first time had already been in Petrachi’s mind since yesterday. During the day the sporting director had a telephone contact with the sporting director of the Pontini Mauro Patti, showing the seahorse’s interest in Gaetano Fontana. A move that literally stunned the Latina manager who was already working to plan the next season with his coach. The renewal (annual contract with option for the following season) was, in fact, announced last May 30th by the Nerazzurri who wanted to build the new season around the figure of the former midfielder. The inclusion of Salernitana, however, risks ruining Latina’s plans.

In the next few hours, probably already tomorrow, a meeting is scheduled between the Nerazzurri sporting director and the Calabrian coach to understand the path forward. The contract with Latina has already been deposited but, if the conditions are met, the path to reaching the contractual termination will need to be identified. Fontana clearly appeared very enthusiastic about Salernitana’s call and would have given a general availability to the Granata management. Latina’s position is more complicated as they would find themselves without a coach a few weeks before the start of the new season. Fontana’s will, however, could make the difference.

At this point, it remains to be seen whether the Granata club will be able to free Fontana who could represent a real wild card for a project dedicated to economic sustainability. Alternatively, the Granata club also explored the profiles of Eugenio Corini, Cristiano Lucarelli and Fabio Caserta. All this while disappointment and discontent mount in the city.

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