Agenzia Dire, the unions: «It takes public funding, but confirms the layoffs»

Dire Agency, dismissal procedure concluded with negative outcome (Photo:

Disputes 01 Lug 2024

Despite having recently won a tender for the presidency of the Council, the company confirms “with arrogance and to the detriment of all the parties involved” the procedures for seven male and female workers. Slc Cgil, Fistel Cisl, Uilcom Uil: «Unacceptable behavior».

“Today, the dismissal procedure of the seven workers of the Dire press agency was concluded with a negative outcome.” This was announced by Slc Cgil, Fistel Cisl, Uilcom Uil, recalling that “several meetings were held by the trade unions and the company, during which many were the union proposals to avoid dismissals, such as voluntary exits, incentives to leave, professional reconversions and shock absorbers.”

“In the meeting held in the Lazio Region – the note continues – the latter proposed to the company the use of the social safety net still available together with the possibility of voluntary exits. In recent days, as trade union organizations, we wrote to Undersecretary Barachini urging him to intervene. The Undersecretary himself, in his speech, invited the company to resume proper trade union relations and to find alternative solutions to the layoffs. Despite all the proposals put forward and the intervention of the institutions, Dire arrogantly confirmed and to the contempt of all the parties involved, to proceed with the layoffs without actually advancing concrete alternative solutions”.

Yet, “the Dire agency has recently been awarded one of the lots for specialized services of the Presidency of the Council for an amount of approximately 400 thousand euros – the unions continue -. It is precisely the fact of being a recipient of public funding that makes Dire’s behavior even more unacceptable. The contemporaneity between the awarding of the Presidency of the Council tender and the layoffs is a factor that needs to be reflected upon: public money to finance layoffs. Now the word will pass into the hands of the judicial system, with the challenges to the dismissal of the workers involved. As trade unions we will continue to urge the institutions so that such behavior by Dire does not go unpunished”. (Ansa – Rome, July 7, 2024)


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