Ceprano – Fire Department opens, the mayor: “Objective to make it permanent”

Ceprano – Fire Department opens, the mayor: “Objective to make it permanent”
Ceprano – Fire Department opens, the mayor: “Objective to make it permanent”

Also this year Ceprano will be the site of a fire brigade station for the summer season, with the aim of making it a structural presence throughout the year. All this within the framework of the agreement that leads to the increase in the presence of Fire Brigades in the regional territory within the summer fire campaign.

“We are very happy to ensure the establishment of a seasonal garrison in Ceprano which – explains Mayor Colucci – represents an ideal solution to improve our response capacity in guaranteeing the safety of citizens and the forestry heritage”. In the municipal structure of Via Caragno, headquarters of the Civil Protection, a forest firefighting team will reside, made up of five units, from 1 July to 30 September, in addition to a DOS (Extinguishing Operators Directorate) crew, made up of two units, from 15 July to August 31st.

“I thank the Commander, architect Alessandra Rilievi – Colucci continued – and all the Fire Brigade staff, for their availability and the valuable work that will ensure the realization of this project” It is in this perspective that in these hours the mayor has asked the Commander for the possibility of transforming the Ceprano garrison from seasonal to permanent: “An opportunity – concludes the mayor – also evaluated in synergy with other municipalities, considering the strategic position of Ceprano and its road infrastructures, which would guarantee considerable ease of access and the possibility of rapid and efficient interventions”

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