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Marianna’s record. At 93 she gets her middle school diploma

Marianna’s record. At 93 she gets her middle school diploma
Marianna’s record. At 93 she gets her middle school diploma

At the age of 93, she finally manages to obtain the middle school diploma that had been denied to her in her youth. And that’s not all, because Mrs. Marianna Pace is now also aiming for the high school diploma, supported by good health and a very strong determination. The woman is the oldest student at the Provincial Adult Education Center (CPIA) in Benevento. Originally from Canosa di Puglia, she arrived in Benevento in the distant 1950, after marrying a local man. “I have always been curious in life, and I consider myself quite cultured – she says -, but unfortunately I was missing the so-called “piece of paper” that I have obtained today in an environment that welcomed me with great affection and serenity». The father, having noticed his daughter’s predisposition to study thanks to the brilliant results she had achieved in all school subjects, had promised her to let her continue her studies: something far from obvious, at that time, for a woman. However, according to Mrs. Marianna’s story, the war and some unpleasant family vicissitudes forced her to stop at the fifth grade instead. Her stubbornness would have allowed her to obtain the diploma in “cutting and sewing” anyway. As a mother, she followed her children’s academic progress with passion and deep participation. «Mrs. Marianna − comments the principal, Antonella Gramazio − represents a precious point of reference it’s a stimulating source of inspiration for teachers and students, as well as a figure of charm, friendliness and refinement, thanks to his distinctive way of relating, expressing himself and smiling.” Now, the principal and teachers of the Cpia of Benevento are preparing to welcome the woman in September to accompany her on the path that will take her towards her new goal: the high school diploma. The CPIAs were established in 2012. In addition to the literacy courses that allow foreigners to learn the Italian language and obtain the A2 level linguistic certificationoffer the possibility of acquiring the diploma concluding the first cycle of education (the former middle school license) both to foreigners who already have the qualification and to Italian citizens of all ages who, for various reasons, have interrupted their studies in the past. Just like Mrs. Marianna.
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