from when and how much will they rise

from when and how much will they rise
from when and how much will they rise

Cost of airline tickets, endless increases. How much you spend to travel by plane, the latest decisions of the companies.

Increases in airline tickets (

The prospects for European travelers are not encouraging on the price front. In fact, the major national companies are deciding on a series of price increases that will hit the air transport sector. So more expensive tickets for air travel, starting from Lufthansa which has already communicated the decision.

Similar announcements have also come from other companies such as Air France KLM, Remember that these important groups include several companies, so the shock to prices will be widespread. But what are the explanations for these increases? Lufthansa explained that the announced ticket increases serve to cover additional costs resulting from the application of the European ecological regulations.

Airline tickets, costs are growing more and more

New increases in flight ticket prices announced (

But what are the increases in air transport? As regards the prices of the German group’s flights, we are talking about a surcharge between 1 and 72 euros applied on all tickets issued from 26 June 2024 con starting from 1 January 2025 with destination in EU countries, including the United Kingdom, Norway and Switzerland.

Also Air France KLMwhich has already introduced a contribution tax for environmental measures since 2022, is considering further increases. According to various estimates, passengers would have to pay on average around 21 euros more for each flight up to 2050, to meet the costs of environmental policies in the airline industry. In Italythe increase in tickets on national and international routes is calculated in 35 euros in 2030.

In order to achieve the green transition objectives, the European aviation sector will have to face additional costs of approximately 1.900 billion euros. A huge challenge for the air transport sector responsible for approximately 2 percent of global emissions, in view of decarbonisation. The EU measures on the green transition impose structural changes on companies, starting with the minimum quota of sustainable aviation fuel.

Flights departing from an EU airport will have to use sustainable fuel in increasing proportions up to the 70 percent threshold expected for 2025. There is no shortage of controversy with European companies fearing the transformation of green policies into advantages for non-EU rivals. Competition from the latter will be favored by the possibility of maintain lower pricesbecause by operating hubs outside the EU no ecological constraints apply.

However British low-cost airlines such as easyJet and Wizz Air they have announced that they will not apply increases. The first declared that it was interested in reducing emissions through the hydrogen technology. Wizz Air has instead asked governments to provide incentives to achieve green goals of the airline industry without burdening passengers.

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