Bovine TB, extraordinary plan, meeting at the Municipality on Thursday

Bovine TB, extraordinary plan, meeting at the Municipality on Thursday
Bovine TB, extraordinary plan, meeting at the Municipality on Thursday

CROTONE – The Provincial Health Authority has developed an extraordinary plan for 2024 and 2025 aimed at combating the spread of bovine tuberculosis and containing its damage in the livestock and meat, milk and dairy production sectors. The plan was developed in conjunction with the regional Agriculture and Health departments and will be discussed on Thursday 4 July in the council chamber of the Town Hall starting at 5:00 p.m. In addition to those of Asp and the two regional departments, representatives of Ara Calabria and the breeders of the province of Crotone will be present.

In light of the importance of the topic, all the mayors of the province are invited to participate. The meeting, a note informs, is part of “the framework of the actions announced by the Region in support of Calabrian breeders, not only to protect the territory’s identity breeds in danger of extinction, but also through support for breeders damaged by the spread of the ‘epizootic’. “Through the help of professionals in the sector and the adoption of specific measures – he continues – we will work to guarantee farmers the right compensation for the animals killed and the economic losses suffered”.

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