from rags to riches, now costing up to two million euros

I’m a sixty, almost all restored second homes. An hour and a half walk from Alagna Valsesia exists a village of Walser huts remained intact. He is in Val d’Otro, but he is not the only one to boast these jewels of Alpine architecture. There are other Walser huts in various locations at the foot of Monte Rosaboth on the Aosta Valley side of Gressoney Saint-Jean and in the Piedmontese Valsesia in the province of Vercelli, in the town of Alagna, but also in Riva, Rima, Carcoforo, Rimasco and Rimella. It is to this area that they migrated in the Middle Ages German-speaking Walser families, arriving from the Swiss Valais. Today the houses that once belonged to farmers are reserved for those willing to spend a lot for a certain idea of ​​the mountains. There are also those who go into debt to get one, in the name of culture and not status, gradually restructuring it over the years with his own hands. Most buyers come from Milan and Varese due to the geographical proximity. But foreigners are rapidly increasing, driven by the climate crisis to choose the greenest valley in Italy.

«Whoever buys them must have a lot of money, they are like art paintings”, warns Gianni Ragozzi, who deals with marketing for the Valsesia real estate firm. «Their value depends on where they are located: the same Walser hut can cost two million euros in Alagna up to 200 or 300 thousand euros in less well-known locations». The agency has one in Campertogno, partly renovated (roof, slabs and lobbies), for sale at 170 thousand euros negotiable. «Walser houses are monuments, it’s like buying a piece of history and in the town of Alagna Valsesia their prices can reach up to 7-8 thousand euros per square meter», confirms Alberto Daffara of the Alda real estate agency.

«But apart from these exceptions, in the rest of the valley prices are very stable and still halved compared to pre-Covid». The latest analyzes by and Tecnocasa, relating to the end of 2023, indicate growing demand and rising prices in the mountains. But this only happens in the most touristy places. In Gressoney Saint-Jean, a historic 150m2 Walser house dating back to 1756 is on sale for 990 thousand euros. In the same Aosta Valley location, Italy Sotheby’s International Realty is offering the 1920s house that housed the town pharmacy frequented by Queen Margherita of Savoy for 1 million and 250 thousand euros. On the one hand luxury, on the other passion sincere for a more authentic mountain than a condominium accommodation. «The Walser hut is one of the highest examples of Alpine architecture for the harmony of its proportions, rarely is such a perfect synthesis between functions and aesthetics observed», he explains the Milanese architect Maria Papini, which has Walser blood in its veins and has already renovated about thirty of them. «They are characterized by the balconies with poles, called lobbies, which were used to dry the hay on the upper floor, while on the first floor there were the rooms and on the ground floor the stables in a spontaneous architectural style that has reached perfection».

Regenerating them is not easy, because the balcony removes light, there are no chimneys, the ceilings are low, the exterior must remain identical to the original. «These are demanding restorations due to the various constraints that must be respected, we must consider a cost of around 2,500 euros per square meter for the renovation – continues Papini -. But in the end you get to equip them with all the comforts». They are the log cabins par excellence, made of stone and wood. Heidi’s houses. «Many people are looking for these houses in a pristine environment and are happy to reach them on foot despite the inconveniences. Anyone who wants peace must go up to the mountain pastures.” In Otro a week in July with Airbnb can cost 1,500 euros. But there are not only Walser houses, Valsesia is trying to systematize all the resources. Starting from the development of Alagna and beyond.

«We have a project with a consultancy agency from Trentino that will give us a hand», he says Francesco Pietrasanta, president of the Valsesia Mountain Union and mayor of Quarona. «Our territory is attracting international attention: in Alagna there are Swedes, Norwegians and Americans, while the Dutch prefer the middle valley.” Valsesia has a strategic position for tourists, close to Monferrato, the lakes and the sea. «Due to climate change – adds Pietrasanta -, foreigners prefer to buy here rather than in Tuscany where the heat will be excessive». Then there are 39 Israeli families who have moved to the Varallo area and other foreigners continue to arrive.

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