the preliminary agreement reached yesterday is being examined by the respective managements

the preliminary agreement reached yesterday is being examined by the respective managements
the preliminary agreement reached yesterday is being examined by the respective managements

The use of the conditional tense is mandatory; despite being considered by most to be taken for granted the “political marriage between the Coalitions. The two mirrored releases released yesterday – at the end of the meeting in Via delle Scalette -, they seemed to have cleared away any residue doubt. There would be no more left now than the final obligations, more or less standard. Last night the green light of the DC Management topreliminary agreement on government action, achieved in the previous hours at the level of delegations. Dry text – apparently -; and with the necessary degree of generality to avoid friction as much as possible. In fact, focus on delicate topics. From the Healthcare to the Territory; for whose management we would think of a pragmatic and sustainable approach, free from ideologies. As for finances caution – it seems – on the hypothesis of conversion of the debt foreign to domestic. The expectation of a massive commitment for the implementation of theEU agreement. In the foreign chapter there seems to be a reference to the question of recognition of the Palestine. On this summary document of various instances, in short, the comparison within the Lists which should form the new majority. The path to home seems to have already been defined PSD. This morning the approval from the Management of Free/PS; with the commitment – ​​it has been said – of finalize understanding at best. Reformist Alliancetogether with the component Elegowill bring together instead Monday evening L’Political office; expected appointment, given the debate of the past few days. The next day, in all probability, a new summit between the two Coalitions; to evaluate the considerations that emerged in these meetings, and discuss any stumbles. An informal meeting would also be scheduled Tomorrow. Perhaps already Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, according to some, the return from the Regency for DC and AR; the deadline for the news is June 27. Any reservations resolved, ai State leaders the political agreement signed by the representatives of each List will be presented. At that point there should be the awarding of a new mandate a couple of weeks; for the drafting of government program and the training ofExecutive.

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