40 Million Euros for the Energy Efficiency of SMEs

The “Energy Efficiency and Renewables for Business” tender was presented, with non-repayable contributions for energy saving projects and renewable energy production.

The Lazio Region has announced the new tender “Energy Efficiency and Renewables for Businesses”, which he makes available 40 million euros to support the investments of SMEs in Lazio in energy saving and in the production of energy from renewable sources. The initiative is financed with resources from the 2021-2027 ERDF Programme.

The presentation press conference, held in Rome, was attended by Roberta Angelilli, vice-president of the Lazio Region and councilor for Economic Development, Commerce, Crafts, Industry and Internationalisation; Elena Palazzo, Councilor for Tourism, Environment, Sport, Climate Change, Energy Transition and Sustainability of the Lazio Region; Lorenzo Tagliavanti, president of the Rome Chamber of Commerce; Agostino Re Rebaudengo, president of Elettricità Futura; and Fabrizio Penna, head of the Mission Unit department for the PNRR of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security.

The announcement, with non-repayable contributions, provides that each project has a minimum amount of 150 thousand euros and a maximum contribution of 2 million euros. Investments must improve the energy efficiency of production processes or buildings, and may include the production of energy from renewable sources, with a limit of 50% of the total financeable amount.

Interested companies will be able to apply online via the GeCoWEB Plus platform starting from 16 September 2024, until available resources are exhausted. Vice President Roberta Angelilli underlined how this tender is part of an integrated energy strategy of the Region, aimed at supporting the green transition of local businesses, making them more competitive and sustainable.

Elena Palazzo expressed satisfaction with the teamwork in the Region, highlighting how these resources can help Lazio companies achieve important energy efficiency and sustainability objectives. Fabrizio Penna defined the tender as a crucial challenge for industrial policy, highlighting the importance of the synergy between energy efficiency and productivity.

Agostino Re Rebaudengo welcomed the opportunities offered by the tender, hoping that the example of the Lazio Region can be followed by other Italian regions. Lorenzo Tagliavanti, president of the Rome Chamber of Commerce, presented the “CER Call – Renewable Energy Communities 2024”, aimed at encouraging the establishment of renewable energy communities in the province of Rome with funding of one million euros.

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