The perpetrator of the Ghilarza fire was sentenced to 4 years in prison

The perpetrator of the Ghilarza fire was sentenced to 4 years in prison
The perpetrator of the Ghilarza fire was sentenced to 4 years in prison

Last June 6, the Single Judge of the Court of Oristano pronounced the sentence in the trial against RM di Ghilarza, 33 years old, accused of arson in the forest.

The fire, set in the early hours of the afternoon on a day with strong south-westerly winds and temperatures between 38 and 39 degrees, had affected an area of ​​approximately 130 ha. as it progresses, it threatens roads, buildings and farms, devastating woods and pastures and putting public safety at risk.
Only the following day was it possible to make the area affected by the flames safe, thanks to the use of over 120 men from the Regional AI Equipment, the help of 5 helicopters and 3 Canadairs.

The investigations carried out in the first hours of the event by the men of the Environmental Police Investigation Unit of the Forestry Corps and Environmental Surveillance of the Oristano Inspectorate, made it possible to identify the point of onset at the crossroads that leads to the town of Soddì.
The careful and scrupulous investigation activity allowed the men of the Forestry Corps to obtain serious indications of guilt against RM, elements considered sufficient by the Prosecutor’s Office to request his indictment.
Three years later, the sentence arrived from the Single Judge of the Court of Oristano who found the man guilty, sentencing him to 4 years in prison, although he benefited from the discounted sentence provided for those who access the abbreviated procedure.
The Forestry and Environmental Surveillance Corps is responsible for coordinating the active fight against forest fires and in the countryside, technical skills that have allowed thirty years of investigative experience to be gained, entrusted to the staff of the Forestry Stations and the Departmental investigative units.
The identification of an ever-increasing number of those responsible for fires contributes, together with prevention activities, to the reduction in the number of arson fires.
However, the contribution of citizens remains fundamental in the fight against this very serious phenomenon, as they can report to the toll-free number 1515 any useful information to identify those responsible for these serious crimes against public safety and the environment.

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