Revolution at the Mole Vanvitelliana, Marco Moroder takes the reins of the two internal bars and promises great news

Revolution at the Mole Vanvitelliana, Marco Moroder takes the reins of the two internal bars and promises great news
Revolution at the Mole Vanvitelliana, Marco Moroder takes the reins of the two internal bars and promises great news

“I have something completely different in mind for the spaces of the Orfeo Tamburi foyer and the external courtyard. They will not simply be bars serving the museum facility, but environments to be fully experienced, in a constant exchange between the events of the Mole and the possibilities offered by these two places, which we will redesign in appearance and functionality. Always, obviously, valorising the initial historical-architectural-artistic aspect”.

With these words Marco Moroder – entrepreneur from Ancona who deals with the management of marketing, communication and hospitality aspects in the family company, the Azienda Agricola Moroder, and has been involved for years in organizing events aimed at revitalizing Ancona, such as the BBQ peace pork & music, as well as founding member of Crudo Srl, owner of the well-known Raval – welcomes the assignment received from the Municipality of Ancona for the management of the two bars inside the Mole Vanvitelliana at the Ankon Benefit Company,
company he founded together with his wife Alessia Santoni.

The project, he says, will aim to give new centrality to one of the most important monuments of the city which, however, has always been perceived almost as an area in itself, to be visited solely and exclusively to enjoy the many exhibitions hosted. The objective is to partially overturn this conception, creating a proposal that will have an intrinsic value, which
it will be an enrichment for the city, a center of attraction for art enthusiasts, students, professionals and anyone who wants to spend their time not in the “usual bar”.

An international approach, outside the usual variations that we are used to seeing in Ancona and its surroundings, which winks at the multifunctional spaces that are taking up more and more space in the major cities of Italy and Europe.

An certainly ambitious vision, which also has its strength in another aspect: “The statute of the Benefit Company envisages pursuing among its objectives the ‘common benefit, operating in a responsible, sustainable and transparent way towards people, communities, territory and cultural and social environments, goods and activities’. These are precisely the principles that guided us in the creation of our project, which I would not like to reveal more about now. Except, obviously, we will also pay special attention to the proposal
food and wine, which will be zero km and always aimed at enhancing the typical features of our territory, albeit with a broader perspective”.

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NEXT the Government is studying ad hoc measures, we cannot go on like this