Montblanc dispute, meeting in the Prefecture for contract workers on Tuesday – LISTEN – Novaradio Città Futura

Montblanc dispute, meeting in the Prefecture for contract workers on Tuesday – LISTEN – Novaradio Città Futura
Montblanc dispute, meeting in the Prefecture for contract workers on Tuesday – LISTEN – Novaradio Città Futura


FLORENCE – Meeting in the Prefecture next Tuesday on the dispute between the companies Z Production and Eurotagliocompanies that work under contract for the Montblanc bag brand, after the protest that yesterday led three workers to climb onto the roof of the factory in Campi Bisenzio (Florence) to demand the payment of salaries, the withdrawal of the collective dismissal procedure and the convening of a table for relocation in the supply chain.

For months, Montblanc contract workers have been without work, without salaries and without prospects – he underlines Luca Toscano Sudd Cobas Prato-Florence: “We are faced with an company, Z Production, which is not respecting the agreement for the solidarity contract signed in March in the Tuscany Region and has not paid salaries since January. Eurotaglio, a subcontracted company, delivers pay slips showing social safety nets in advance. It’s a shame, however, that these paychecks haven’t been paid either.” There would be real blackmail taking place: “The company makes it clear that the money will be paid only if the workers accept a collective dismissal which is illegitimate.”

“Both companies – adds the trade unionist – are managing the few remaining work volumes by excluding all union members from the shifts. And while there are those who stay at home because there is no work, at Eurotaglio as at Z Production, those who work do so for 12 hours a day, even on Saturdays”. Behind, explains Toscano, however, there is Montblanc, of the Richmont financial group: “Here is the true photograph of the ‘luxury supply chains’. Where the weight of the unscrupulous policies of all the subjects in the supply chain, from the financial fund to the last subcontracting company, systematically falls on the workers. Meanwhile, the crisis table in the Tuscany Region, which we asked to work for the relocation of staff in the Montblanc supply chain, never met”.

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