Large demonstration against the reopening of the Martucci landfill yesterday in Mola. Video


You are here: Home News Health and Environment Large demonstration against the reopening of the Martucci landfill yesterday in Mola. Video


It was a huge crowd. The long, colourful, noisy, participatory snake of men, women, children, young people and elderly people walked through the streets of the center of Mola di Bari shouting STOP MARTUCCI!

The citizens of Mola can no longer tolerate the landfill that has been polluting the area for 40 years. From the third batch, the analyzes carried out a few months ago found the presence of tetrachlorethylene as well as other pollutants, substances, of course, which did not exceed the contamination threshold concentrations, but their presence was found. Tetrachlorethylene is a solvent used in metal degreasing, in dry cleaners, in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries and is, according to the Ministry of Health, potentially carcinogenic. What is tetrachlorethylene doing in the groundwater under the Martucci landfill?! This is what citizens, committees and environmental associations are asking.

Yesterday in Mola di Bari, a municipality downstream from the Martucci landfill, the citizens, many young people and children, loudly shouted their opposition to the reopening of the Martucci site to waste from the municipalities of the metropolitan city of Bari and beyond. They are tired of living under the sword of Damocles of pollution that has never been seriously investigated in its relationship with the many 048s, the exemption code for tumor diseases.

Let’s not add anything else, it’s all in the video published below
Good vision

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