Alghero. Brothers of Italy distances itself from the mayor | News

Alghero. Brothers of Italy distances itself from the mayor | News
Alghero. Brothers of Italy distances itself from the mayor | News

The failure to withdraw the delegations of the councilors who have moved to the centre-left has been targeted

Sardinia Live editorial team

The city coordinator of Alghero of Fratelli d’Italia Marco Di Gangi, together with the provincial coordinator Barbara Polo intervene with a note to clarify the nature of the party’s relations with the current mayor of Alghero Mario Conoci, especially in light of the presence in the council of some councilors who have in the meantime moved to the centre-left.

“Many members, some of whom are candidates for the next municipal elections, as well as the allied parties themselves, repeatedly ask for clarity on what Mayor Conoci’s relationship with Fratelli d’Italia is. This request arises from the fact that the mayor himself allows three political exponents who have run in coalition with the 5 Star movement, the PD and other parties and movements of the left to remain in office in his council, with the role of councilors” explains Marco Di Gangi. “It is clear, in fact, that the mayor’s choice to keep exponents of candidates in the so-called “wide field” in the council, even if he publicly declares to refer to the Brothers of Italy with whom he was an independent candidate in the regional elections, it is substantially incompatible with the clear and undisputed right-wing positioning of our party, a founding element of the center-right coalition.” Barbara Polo urges her to add: “This situation cannot even be justified by administrative needs, considering that these last days of mandate, the permanence of these councilors in a phase in which they can only carry out acts of ordinary administration, is certainly not essential”

In summary, Di Gangi and Polo conclude, “Fratelli d’Italia places its clear political position, transparency and repudiation of any form of ambiguity at the center of its relations with voters. For these reasons, having noted, with regret, the unavailability of the mayor to resolve this political inconsistency with an act of clarity, a conclusive behavior capable of eliminating all doubts in his own political community and towards his allies and Alghero voters, our party he is forced to distance himself from mayor Conoci. It is clear, at this point, that Conoci’s journey in Fratelli d’Italia has reached the end of the line. Any subsequent steps that may be decided to take remain to be defined, in agreement with the centre-right allies still present in the council and represented in the municipal subsidiaries”.

Conoci’s response was not long in coming. “First of all, I don’t understand why Fratelli d’Italia took on the task of representing me within the coalition, given that I am not a member of their party. They also declare it themselves. I was an independent candidate on their lists, upon request of the Alghero club to which I agreed. Therefore, they do not represent me within the coalition” writes the mayor of Alghero in a note.

“From a practical and political point of view, such an action would make sense if there were six months or a year left before the elections, but ten days or even a month before the elections, dismissing councilors and making inoperative a council that is managing, with ordinary and non-political actions, a city and a community in a delicate moment like this is absolutely inappropriate. We are at the start of the summer season, with major events such as the Rally in the planning stage, which require the attention of the competent councilors, as well as the mayor and the structure” continues the mayor. “A request of this type is worrying because it puts partisan electoral interests before the general interests of the community. I have always put the interests of the city before those of the coalition and the parties, and this request is certainly not a good starting point for those who intend to govern Alghero” continues Conoci.

“Evidently, the request was placed on the shoulders of the Brothers of Italy, perhaps under pressure from the mayoral candidate Marco Tedde. Honestly, it leaves me indifferent. I will continue to work as I have always done in these five years, without being distracted by administrative activities until the last day of my mandate. I have never allowed others to be mayor in my place, and I will not do so now, regardless of who their name is, Barbara Polo, Marco Tedde or anyone else. I will be the mayor until the last day and I will not dismiss anyone. The city needs councillors, who are not there to make pretty statues but carry out essential functions”, reiterates Conoci.

“If it had been a political issue a year before the election, it would have been very different. I don’t think this creates any confusion for the forces in the field, as Fratelli d’Italia claims. The clarity is evident: there is a centre-right and a centre-left coalition that oppose each other. In the meantime, the more the administration is left alone, the better, because it is managing a delicate phase” explains the mayor of Alghero.

“I would have been much more careful, however, if I had been in the shoes of the leaders of the Brothers of Italy, to correct some inappropriate statements where they define the opposing camp as a ‘refugee camp’. It is absolutely inappropriate to make such statements. My administration, in agreement with the entire city council, wanted to give honorary citizenship to Egea Haffner, who represents the Julian-Dalmatian refugees. We must also be attentive to the terms used during the electoral campaign, respecting our opponents and the environment in which we move. I would have been more careful about this rather than raising controversy ten days before the elections on an inappropriate and harmful issue for the city” concludes Conoci.

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