Where does the gold in the Universe come from? Here is the true provenance

Many people ask themselves dwhere does the gold of the Universe reach. And here is what its origin and provenance could be, scientists are still skeptical.

Where does the gold of the Universe come from -viaggi.nanopress.it

Everything we understood about the origins ofgold in the universe, a topic that many scientists debate and about which not much is known even today. Even today there are several studies underway that attempt to explain where this mineral comes from.

Where does the gold in the Universe come from?

In Italy there is a stone that is worth more than gold and in the universe there is so much gold that there are various scientists who wonder where all this comes from. You should know, in fact, that according to some theories, due to the collisions that occur between the stars that circulate in the universe, neutrons would produce gold. The collision between protons and neutrons in atomic nuclei would cause gold to be generated during the dispersion of the same heavy nuclei in space.

However, the supernovae they are not the ideal stars to explain the large presence of this element in the universe. The reason for this, as the website passionastronomia.it explains, would be due to the fact that these stars would be so massive that they would rarely lead to a merger before dying and would more commonly lead to the birth of a black hole after the explosion, thus sucking in gold and not dispersing it throughout the universe.

What recent studies say

It is difficult to explain it in simple words, but, based on what other studies report, the collisions of neutron stars would release a shower of gold which would disperse throughout the universe and which would be the cause of all that gold present. But there are other studies that instead report that the previous ones do not take into account at all how rare these collisions between neutron stars are. Precisely for this reason, it would be really complicated to say precisely how often these tiny neutron stars, which are nothing more than the remnants of old supernovae, would collide.

Where does the gold of the Universe come from -viaggi.nanopress.it

According to scientists, this would not be a very common occurrence, on the contrary: experts would have only encountered this phenomenon once. Nonetheless, it is indeed possible that neutron particles collide and perhaps they would do so more frequently than supported by the various current projections. In any case, whatever the results obtained so far, there is still a lot of work to be done and there are so many studies to be carried out before we can say where the gold ofuniverse. We hope that scientists will delve deeper into the topic and in the near future will be able to explain why the universe is so full of gold and where the rain of this precious mineral comes from.

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