Press conference Ranieri: «I will always carry this day in my heart. I leave a Cagliari…”

Press conference Ranieri: «I will always carry this day in my heart. I leave a Cagliari…”
Press conference Ranieri: «I will always carry this day in my heart. I leave a Cagliari…”

Claudio Ranieri, Cagliari coach, speaks in the press conference after the match against Fiorentina

(Emanuele Olla sent to the press room at Unipol Domus)Claudio Raniericoach of Cagliariintervenes in the press conference after the match against Florentine. His statements:

SENSATIONS – «It was incredible and unexpected, from the start. I didn’t expect the referee not to blow the whistle for the start of the match and all the boys on the pitch applauding along with the crowd. At the end, being able to thank all our fans was wonderful. A wonderful day since this morning, a different day and I will carry it in my heart. I thank you with all my heart, with all the pleasure they gave me, Cagliari, my former clubs, I didn’t expect it. Where I have been they appreciated my work”

CHANGE YOUR MIND – «The President tried to convince me to stay, the players asked me if it was true that I was leaving. I dreamed of ending like this and the dream was wonderful”

TEACHING – «It depends on the character of the young people. I always told my parents that football is a small story of life, if you bend you will bend in life too. Learn from sport to never give up and be tenacious, without being afraid and understanding where you go wrong. When I made mistakes I never blamed others, I carry forward the president’s ideas, winning the championship is like saving the team. It’s too easy to make excuses and shift blame, this is what the weak do. When I made mistakes I took the blame, the mistake belongs to those who work, I have never been afraid to take responsibility. You must never give up, I’ll fight until the end”

MESSAGE – «What I say are things I really feel. You either get luck or it doesn’t fall on you. Successful men who have made fortunes are because they have worked hard, fortune must be earned. I was a lucky man, I wanted to be a footballer and I succeeded, now I can say that I understood football”

THANKSGIVING – «Thanks also to you journalists. Serie A is everyone’s good, it’s better to write about Serie A than about Serie B”

THOUGHT – «I made the right choice in returning to Cagliari. I thank Gigi Riva who encouraged me to come back here”

CAGLIARI – «There are many young people who have made great strides. Happy with Kingston’s beautiful goal, the coach of his national team asked me about him. There are owners with a lot of money, to make Cagliari better… Giulini spends a lot of money trying to compete; Parma and Como have a lot of money. It’s true that the fans deserve more but they must stay close to the club and the players, Cagliari is a precious asset that must be safeguarded. I leave this. We signed players who adapted immediately, some did and others didn’t, I’m convinced I didn’t make any mistakes. I am leaving a team that has made mistakes, but treasure will be learned from the mistakes made.”

FUTURE – «I’m not afraid of tomorrow, the time will come when I will miss all this. Now I’m enjoying it, I’ll go around and see some cities and towns. I have traveled a lot seeing only hotels, stadiums and planes, now that I have time I will go and see other beauties. I will definitely return to Cagliari, you won’t get rid of me”

RESIGNATION – «If the team wouldn’t respond I would 100% walk away, the boys needed electroshock. If they hadn’t imposed themselves by telling me that they would all fight together for salvation… I asked for feedback on the pitch and I got it. Thanks to the guys who convinced me to stay”

BENCH – «Whoever comes comes to do his job, they must not think about me. Presidents, coaches and players change, only the fans remain, and it is their vital asset”

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