May 24, almanac of the day

It happened today, the almanac of the day: the historical and political facts, who was born and who left us

Historical events

1086 – Election of Pope Victor III
1153 – Malcolm IV becomes King of Scotland
1487 – The impostor Lambert Simnel is crowned as “King Edward VI” in Dublin
1626 – Peter Minuit buys Manhattan
1671 – Molière’s comedy “Les furberies de Scapin” is performed for the first time at the Palais-Royal in Paris
1683 – The Ashmolean Museum opens
1689 – The Act of Toleration, protecting Protestants, is passed by the English Parliament (Roman Catholics are intentionally excluded)
1738 – The Methodist Church is founded
1787 – The United States Constitutional Convention convenes after a quorum of delegates arrives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

1798 – Irish nationalists rebel against British occupation, believing that French troops were preparing to invade Ireland
1810 – Argentina begins its revolt against Spain
1814 – Pope Pius VII, freed, leaves Savona on 19 March and returns to his states (surrendered by the French on 24 January 1814) on the side of Romagna, which welcomes him very kindly, arriving in Rome on 24 May received by jubilant crowds
1822 – Battle of Pichincha: Simón Bolívar secures Quito’s independence
1829 – Pope Pius VIII publishes the Encyclical Letter Traditi humilitati, on the condemnation of the new philosophical conceptions that advocate indifferentism, of the new translations of the Bible, without the approval of the Church, of secret societies, of the diffusion of disastrous books, on the defense of sacred bond of marriage
1832 – The Kingdom of Greece is proclaimed during a session of the London Convention
1844 – The first telegraphic message is sent in Morse code: ‘What hath God wrought!’
1846 – Mexican-American War: General Zachary Taylor captures Monterrey
1856 – Abolitionist John Brown and his men kill five pro-slavery supporters near Pottawatomie, Kansas.
1861 – American Civil War: Union troops occupy Alexandria, Virginia
1883 – The Brooklyn Bridge opens to traffic after 14 years of construction
1895 – England – Henry Irving becomes the first theater figure to be knighted
In London, the homosexual playwright Oscar Wilde is found guilty of crimes against morals and sentenced to prison

1900 – Boer War: The United Kingdom annexes the Orange Free State
1901 – Seventy-eight miners die in an accident in a mine in the Scottish village of Caerphilly
1910 – Buenos Aires, Argentina: Dorando Pietri runs his last marathon in 2.38’48″2, his personal best
1915 – Italy enters the war alongside France, Great Britain and the Russian Empire. From Fort Verena, on the Asiago plateau, a first cannon shot goes off towards the Austrian fortresses located on the Vezzena plain: Italy officially begins military operations in the First World War. The first verse of La canzone del Piave is dedicated to the first infantrymen of the Royal Army who crossed the border on the same date.
The 1895 oak planted on 24 May 1924 in Piazza XXIV Maggio in Milan in memory of the fallen of the First World War.

923 – The Irish Civil War ends with the victory of the Irish Home Army
1929 – The Coconuts, the first Marx Brothers film, debuts
1930 – Amy Johnson lands in Darwin (Australia), becoming the first woman to fly from England to Australia (she left on 5 May for a 17,600 km flight)
1940 – Igor Sikorsky makes the first successful flight of a single-rotor helicopter
1941 – Second World War: Off the coast of Syracuse the British submarine HMS Upholder sinks the Italian ship Conte Rosso with two torpedoes: 2300 deaths.
In the North Atlantic, the German battleship Bismarck sinks HMS Hood in the Battle of the Denmark Strait, killing all but three of the crew of the pride of the Royal Navy

1943 – Holocaust: Josef Mengele becomes chief medical officer of Auschwitz concentration camp
1956 – The first Eurovision Song Contest is held in Lugano, Switzerland
1958 – United Press International is formed by the merger of United Press and International News Service
1961 – Cyprus becomes a member of the Council of Europe
1962 – Scott Carpenter orbits the Earth three times, aboard the Aurora 7 space capsule
1967 – Egypt imposes an embargo along the Israeli coasts bordering the Red Sea
1968 – Some students set fire to the Paris Stock Exchange.
The Gateway Arch in Saint Louis (Missouri) is inaugurated
Quebec Liberation Front activists storm the US embassy in Quebec City in a bomb attack

1970 – Drilling for the Kola superdeep well begins in the Soviet Union
1976 – Washington: Concorde enters service
1980 – The International Court of Justice calls for the release of hostages from the US embassy in Tehran
1991 – Operation Solomon begins, the large-scale transfer of Fascian Jews from Ethiopia to Israel
1993 – Eritrea gains independence from Ethiopia
Microsoft releases Windows NT
2000 – The Millennium Congress of Mathematicians is held in Paris, during which 7 problems for the millennium were proposed, in imitation of Hilbert’s 23 problems
2001 – Fifteen-year-old Sherpa Temba Tsheri becomes the youngest person to climb Everest
2002 – An article on the first new order of insects described since 1914, Mantophasmatodea, is published in Science
2004 – Israel withdraws from Rafah, ending Operation Rainbow
2008 – After 240 years of monarchy, a federal republic is proclaimed in Nepal
2014 – 2014 European elections
2015 – Pope Francis publishes his second encyclical, Laudato si’

Parties and anniversaries


European Parks and Gardens Day


Italy – Anniversary of entry into war in 1915

Saints today May 24th

Mary Help of Christians
Saints Augustine Yi Kwang-hon, Agata Kim Agi and companions, Korean martyrs
Saint Amalia of Tavio, martyr
Saint David I of Scotland, King of Scotland
Saint Donatian martyr
Saint Gennadius of Astorga, bishop
Saint Joan the Mirophora
Saint Manahen of Antioch, doctor and prophet
Saint Rogaziano, martyr
Saint Servolo martyr (Servulus)

Saint Simeon Stylites the Younger, anchorite
Holy Thirty-Eight Martyrs of Philippopolis (or Plovdiv)
Saint Hubert of Bretigny, monk
Saint Vincent of Lerins, abbot
Saint Zoello, martyr
Blessed Benedetto di Gassino, Benedictine monk
Blessed Diego Alonso, Mercedarian
Blessed Philip of Piacenza
Blessed John of Huete, mercedary
Blessed Juan de Prado, martyr
Blessed Louis-Zéphirin Moreau, bishop
Blessed Tommaso Vasiere, mercedary

Born today May 24th

Ilaria Alpi (1961)
Eduardo De Filippo (1900)
Bob Dylan (1941)

Deaths today May 24th

Nicolaus Copernicus (1543)
Duke Ellington (1974)

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