On a spring weekday

A weekday in early spring, a clear sky, a shining sun and here is the confusion, the endless crowd at the Beverello pier for boarding for Ischia and Procida. Only one ticket office open with a single employee, an endless queue of tourists who, inevitably, slowed down the supply of tickets for the 8.55am Caremar hydrofoil. A complete mess also favored by the numerous reservations, that is, by those people who did not have to leave at that time with that hydrofoil. And therefore, after about 40 minutes of queuing under the sun, the communication of the departure of the hydrofoil and the impossibility of boarding. We wait for the next one, a wait of about two hours. Finally, after a further queue at the ticket office, still with only one employee, you manage to get your boarding ticket and off you go. All this on a spring weekday. And what will happen at the weekend or in the middle of summer if such an organization, which does not even take into consideration the need to reserve places for residents who for various reasons and, certainly not for tourism or pleasure, have to go to the mainland and return to the ‘ Island? And the same at boarding from Pozzuoli where disorder reigns, not only in the departure times, which are often cancelled, but also indescribable confusion, due to the total absence of control by the harbor office, local police and security personnel.

Every year that passes, the maritime service undergoes a deterioration which is aggravated by the age of the ships and by the freedom of private shipowners to be able to freely decide to cancel one or more trips. A long-standing problem which has not been resolved over the years and which makes it difficult, now more than ever, to leave and return from Procida in particular, where the landing of other units was never foreseen which, heading towards Ischia, they could easily dock in Procida too.
For our island, the problem of transport, combined with that of local health, makes it impossible to plan the development of the territory in a sustainable sense, something that should also begin to be planned due to the changed conditions which see a high presence of visitors which is difficult to control. . Old problems that mix with new realities making the lives of residents increasingly difficult. What should and above all could be done is a reflection that has always been the subject of my research, both in terms of possible and shareable solutions, and also following the path of confrontation against a Region that preaches a lot and scratches around badly.
Because both the health and transport problems are the prerogative of the Regional Body which should, through planning, establish precise rules and above all in line with the needs of the population. Chatter, too much chatter, which clashes with a devastating reality both for healthcare and for maritime transport. But the real issue to be resolved, in this context of political and organizational deficiencies, is that of controls. Once at the ports, the presence of the harbor office allowed ordering of boarding and also a check of the capacity of the ferries, as well as that of the local police to control disembarkations and order on the docks. At one time the patrol boat was always ready for emergencies and the water ambulance was stationed in the respective ports, just as at one time there was a healthcare organization at the emergency station in line with needs, even if always heavily sized.

Today the lack of resources for healthcare, together with the lack of doctors due to the blind downsizing policy implemented over the last twenty years, make it almost impossible, at least for the moment, to resolve the problem of the medical unit, as does the lack of a regulated and well-supervised maritime transport plan contributes to fueling the anarchy of behavior and the absolute lack of investment by shipping companies in new units in line with new safety standards.
And we must tolerate all this, also granting consensus with our vote to current candidates, often improvised and inexperienced, only presented in the electoral competition either to increase credibility, or to increase consensus thanks to their popularity. Which MP will we turn to to express our disappointments and invoke the resolution, where possible, of our problems. Which of these candidates will truly know the problems of our territory and will be willing to listen to requests. And finally, who will really be able to represent us with competence, experience and dignity? The time for a renewed participatory awareness in political life has come and we must take it upon ourselves to safeguard our freedom by participating, not only actively, but also with a critical and analytical spirit, because tomorrow is planned today and it is certainly not easy. Let’s start with this electoral round to be ready for next year to choose well because the worst will never end.
“Life, as it truly is, is a battle not between Bad and Good but between Bad and Worse.” Joseph Brodsky

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