The Federico Caffè institute wins the programming marathon on Steam subjects with AI

It just ended with a programming marathon (hackathon, ed.) the path of Digital World Foundation and of Vodafone Foundation that through thefree app «LV8» trains high school girls and boys in the critical use of artificial intelligence. During the event in the Department of Industrial Engineering ofRoma Tre Universitythe brilliant contributions of researchers Flavia Forconi and Federica Mitri to inspire young people to undertake i Steam routes (scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical subjects, ed.). Designated as the best team there «Genoveffa» team of the Federico Caffè Institute From Rome.

The app for acquiring digital skills

Orienting girls and boys from secondary schools to choose study and work paths in the Steam environment through a challenging game that uses artificial intelligence in an unprecedented way: this is the objective of the project «LV8. Coding for Girls»the declination of the national Coding Girls program, promoted by the Mondo Digitale Foundation and the Vodafone Foundation. LV8 is the free app designed by the Vodafone Foundation to allow young people to acquire digital skills and certifications useful for entering the world of work.

The competition between high schools

The final appointment was May 20, 2024, in Department of Industrial, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering of theUniversity of Roma Trewhere a hackathon with 117 students from 10 schools: from Sardinia (Ite Martini of Cagliari), from Lazio (the Iis Federico Caffè, the Avogadro scientific high school, the Kant high school, the Plauto high school, the Kepler scientific high school, the Iis Pacinotti Archimede of Rome and the Iti Volta of Tivoli), from Campania (Iis Majorana of Pozzuoli), from Molise (Iis A. Giordano of Venafro). During the training days, the students experimented with generative artificial intelligence solutions in a completely new way through the LV8 app, which is structured as a learning game divided into multiple levels. After becoming hackers of the «Sacher» secret society, to respond to the challenge they were divided into 30 teams, and produced engaging multimedia content (video, post, story…) to recruit other young people.

The challenge between a thousand students

In total, 1000 students participated in the project for a total of 42 classes, 89 teachers, 11 trainers. Team Genoveffa from Iis Federico Caffè in Rome won the award for best project. The challenge was launched at the end of the morning, which began with welcome greetings from Mirta Michilli, general director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Salvatore Andrea Sciuto, director of the Department of Industrial, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering of the Roma Tre University, Adriana Versino, president of the Vodafone Foundation. The morning continued with an interesting orientation session, «Inspire your future»edited by two brilliant young researchers from the Department of Industrial, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering of the Roma Tre University, Flavia Forconi and Federica Mitri.

The awarded high schools

In particular, here is the list of winners of the challenge: mThe best project was done by the Genoveffa team from the Federico Caffè Institute in Rome, made up of Pietro, Edoardo, Filippo Margherita and Davide. The Pmost creative project: Chiara team from Kant high school in Rome, made up of Linda, Marta and Giulia. Most engaging project: Pleml team from the Kepler high school in Rome, composed of Michele, Lorenzo, Paolo, Emanuele and Leonardo. Best use of AI: Assunta team from Iis Pacinotti Archimede, composed of Matteo, Alessandro and Diego.

Investing in innovative capacity

Adriana Versino, president of the Vodafone Italia Foundation, underlined that «bringing young people, especially girls, closer to Steam study and career paths means investing in the innovative capacity and future of our country, where, according to the latest Eurostat data, less than 6.7% of graduates have a title in Steam disciplines, compared to 12-13% in Europe. Innovation is truly such if it is inclusive and capable of contributing to creating a more equal society, where opportunities are accessible to all, regardless of gender.” «We have made our LV8 app available and supported the Coding Girls project of Fondazione Mondo Digitale precisely – added Versino – to promote the participation of women in those study and career paths that can promote the personal and professional growth of women, guaranteeing economic independence and career opportunities. Our ambition is to encourage girls to pursue their passions and overcome gender stereotypes, building a future in which women are also active protagonists in all areas of science and technology.”

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