Fedez, how is he: the rapper’s message on Instagram

Fedez, how is he: the rapper’s message on Instagram
Fedez, how is he: the rapper’s message on Instagram

New health problems for Fedez. He states it Fabrizio Corona, who with a post published on Instagram said that in the last few hours the rapper was taken to hospital. «Fedez has very serious stomach problems and was rushed to the emergency room. This is the only real reason why he will not participate in the debut of Cattelan’s new program tomorrow evening on Rai 2″, we read in a post by Dillinger News on Instagram.

Confirmation also came from Alessandro Cattelan, next to debut with Up close, no one is normal. «We all know that the attention on Federico is always very high. When we called him some time ago, we initially thought of something nice, I wanted him to be a surprise guest at a wedding, which was funny given what’s happening with his… I joke about it because he’s always made himself available to me. Subsequently, given recent events, we had considered a different treatment. Now Federico has informed us that he will not be able to be there for health reasons, I can only wish him well so that he recovers as best as possible». the host said during an interview with Corriere della Sera.

And now a message from Fedez has also arrived, shared via social media: «I wanted to reassure you that I’m fine. I had some problems this weekend, but nothing serious”, he says on Instagram, breaking the silence.

Fedez-Iovino, the video of the fight in the nightclub appears and a photo of the personal trainer with the signs of the beating

The investigations into the night of violence are mainly focused on the cameras, which are showing frames of the quarrel in the local “The Club” and of the subsequent beating of the personal trainer in the street. Checks are also underway on Ludovica di Gresy’s story

What is certain is that for Fedez the moment is not at all simple. First the separation from his wife Chiara Ferragni and then the problems with the law due to his involvement in a fight in a club in Milan, in which the personal trainer Cristiano Iovino was involved, subsequently involved in a beating outside his home. Fedez’s position is yet to be clarified, as he would have been caught by the surveillance cameras of the club, visibly agitated and recognized by two vigilantes at the scene of the attack. «I wasn’t there, and you can’t see anything on the camera», said Fedez last week as a guest at the Turin Book Fair. «There is talk of nine people who massacred one person, all AC Milan ultras. The person is attacked, the ambulance arrives but is not taken to hospital.” he continued. “Everyone talks about a massacre, but if this person was not taken to hospital, there is no medical report and she did not report it, what are we talking about?”. Notwithstanding that Cristiano Iovino has 90 days to file a complaint against someone, for brawling one proceeds automatically. Fedez has remained silent on the issue, the investigations will clarify. What is most worrying today are his health conditions: fans are waiting for a post that will reassure them.

Fedez and the beating of Iovino, the vigilant witness frames the rapper: “I saw him among the attackers”

The guard who raised the alarm told the police that he recognized Fedez, “without a shadow of a doubt”, among the group of attackers: “After the beating they told me: ‘Mind your own business and don’t call anyone'”

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