Lions Club Grottaglie “Artificial Intelligence. Which tomorrow”

Lions Club Grottaglie “Artificial Intelligence. Which tomorrow”
Lions Club Grottaglie “Artificial Intelligence. Which tomorrow”

“Artificial intelligence. Which tomorrow” was the topic of study presented by the Lions club of Grottaglie, together and representing twenty other Lions clubs from Puglia, at the Lions District Congress District 108 AB (which corresponds to Puglia), held last Sunday in Bari

The theme – presented at the District Congress by the president of the Grottaglie Lions Club Luisa Radicchio – was voted on and chosen as the study theme for the 2024-2025 financial year.

Next Saturday, May 18, it will be proposed again and presented in Genoa, as a proposal to be evaluated at a national level. During the presentation in Bari, a video created by the Lions Club of Grottaglie was shown, with the collaboration of the past governor of Lions District 108 AB Roberto Burano Spagnulo (project idea and text), of the journalist Raffaella Capriglia (voice) and of the technician Mario Perrone (production and post-production).

“The objective of the theme – it was said in the presentation – is not to train Lions experts on Artificial Intelligence but to inform Lions on the state of the art of it, through meetings between experts and institutions, to spread knowledge and its correct use, with conferences , conferences and meetings in person or via webinar.

It would be useful to address these meetings also outside the lion world, to study sustainability and verify social acceptability and contribute to establishing the right role of artificial intelligence in future society and also identifying its risks”.

The video summarizes the risks, but also the possibilities of this new technology in the IT field; a novelty that affects the scientific, human sciences and communication fields. “We tried to show you, in three minutes – it was explained -, the need for an association like ours to deepen knowledge of a complex topic of great future importance with ethical and humanitarian implications.

So which tomorrow? Hope in correct human behavior, because – as has been stated – the problem is not in the technology but in the way of using it”.

The theme – which will become the subject of study and in-depth analysis at district level in the next Lions financial year – will be presented, together with the video, in the next Lions meeting in Genoa and could be chosen as a national study theme.

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