Accident at work in Cancello and Arnone: worker close to retirement dies

Accident at work in Cancello and Arnone: worker close to retirement dies
Accident at work in Cancello and Arnone: worker close to retirement dies

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Work accidentyesterday afternoon, at Gate And ArnoneIn the Caserta. The injury occurred in a worksite for optical fibre: the sixty-two-year-old was the victim Raffaele Boemiooriginally from Afragola and employee of the company Dap Of Nola. For reasons still under investigation, the man ended up in one mixer of cement. There body was seized for theautopsy. They investigate i carabinieri. According to what has been learned, Bohemian she was close to retirement, a goal she would reach only in a few months.

Worker close to retirement dies in Cancello and Arnone: he ended up in the cement mixer

An endless massacre. Another dead worker, again in our province: another life broken, while working on a construction site in Cancello and Arnone: an unacceptable massacre continues. Anyone who needs to work to live cannot lose their life while they work, it is unacceptable“, he claims Sonia Oliviero, secretary CgilCaserta. “It’s always been – he adds – that we ask for compliance with the legislation on health and safety in the workplace, a business model that does not only think about profit but which puts the dignity of workers and, above all, respect for legislation and rules. Active labor policies are necessary, to hire inspectors and strengthen controls, it is necessary to invest in prevention and a culture of safety. But, above all, it is necessary to intervene on the laws that generate insecurity and death, because tears and consternation do not bring workers back to life and, above all, they do not serve to prevent fatal accidents“.

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