“Thanks to technology the iconic sofa kisses and smiles”

Forlì, 28 April 2024 – Until today there was only one expression: un soft winking smile, with slightly asymmetrical corners. Now, thanks to the Forlì company Motion Italia, the iconic Bocca sofa designed by Studio65 for Gufram has come to life and it started to move. The sofa, which represents a large red mouth, was made by Guglielmetto brothers in the 70sinspired by a surrealist painting by Daliand since then it has become part of the collective imagination, crossing the borders of Italy and becoming known throughout the world, ending up on the covers of the most accredited magazines.

In the United States the sofa is known as ‘Marilyn’, because apparently the starting model is precisely that of the lips of the great diva. On the occasion of the just concluded Milan Design Week, Motion Italia, a Forlì company founded in 1998 and which quickly became a leader in the design of relaxation mechanisms for armchairs and sofas aimed at creating maximum comfort, ‘Gufram in motion – La Bocca e mobile’ came to fruition: the sofa, in short, it came to life. Making this possible is an unprecedented collaboration that was visible until a few days ago in the Hall of Mirrors of Palazzo Litta, within the 5vie design district.

“The collaboration with Gufram represents a challenge that makes us very happy – tells Maurizio Ravaioli, founder of Motion Italia –. As our story tells, we have an innate vocation that pushes us to always imagine beyond the possible and which we constantly nourish through meticulous research and development work. Being able to integrate our technology into an iconic piece of furniture like the Bocca – he concludes – represents a great satisfaction for us.”

The sinuous shapes of Mouth, a true domestic sculpture present in the collections of the most authoritative museums internationally, they unexpectedly open into a smile and embrace in a kiss, thus declaring, once again, the powerful vital charge of this object and its dreamlike identity.

“Our commitment with Gufram is to always keep its non-conformist spirit alive, and this project goes precisely in this direction – he continues Charley Vezzaglobal creative orchestrator of the brand –, We have always imagined the Mouth as a living object, who can move, smile, kiss. Thanks to Motion Italia he can finally do it”. In the evocative Hall of Mirrors, Bocca’s new and surprising vitality was amplified by an artistic vision of Elena Rivoltini – performer, director and art director – played by the actress and soprano Sara Bertolucci, the who sang the madrigal ‘Con che soavità, lips adored’ by Claudio Monteverdi. In short, a true hymn of love to a piece of furniture which, like a Pinocchio sui generis, has been able to come alive and demonstrate to everyone that it is very more than a simple object.

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