I think positively: meeting on education and disability

The social promotion association Think positive by Tommaso organized for Sunday 21 April in Folignostarting at 10am atSanta Caterina auditorium a meeting on education and disability entitled “I just want to be happy and start school”.
After the welcome from the president and vice president of the association Penso Positivo by Tommaso, Sandro Acciarini and Catia Borsellini and the greeting video from the Minister for Disabilities Alessandra Locatelli, there will be a connection with the director and television presenter Pif who has always been involved in issues of disability and inclusiveness.
The meeting proposed by Penso Positivo by Tommaso will consist of two moments. The first, which has as its theme “Handle with care? How the perception of the concept of inclusion in civil society and in the world of education changes” will see as speakers Paola Fioroni, president of the Regional Observatory on the condition of people with disabilities, Francesca Cesarini, student and winner of Italia’s Got Talent, Daniele Parrettini , Paralympic para trap champion, Massimo Rolla, Umbria Guarantor for the rights of people with disabilities and Maila Sabbati, support teacher. In the second moment “I would like to be a naval engineer. Stories of ordinary disability between betrayed aspirations and overcoming limits” there will be the testimony of Raff aele Ciambrone, coordinator of the “Education, university and training” working group of the National Disability Observatory. The works will be coordinated and moderated by the journalist and teacher Sabrina Carrozza.
“Around people with disabilities – say Sandro Acciarini and Catia Borsellini, presenting the event – ​​revolves a world made up of affections, schools and universities, institutions, places of work and care, laws, funds, associations and cooperatives, companies, professionals and volunteers. But it is an existence also made up of hopes and disappointments, suffering and tenacity. Why is it important for all of us to understand these feelings and share them to enrich our lives? Are we afraid of diversity or do we care about it? What is the role of families and teachers?”. Questions that will be answered at next Sunday’s meeting.

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