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Do you have your cell phone always on? Here’s what happens

I keep my cell phone on all day and never turn it off: that’s why it’s bad for the smartphone and our health

Cell phone on even at night: why is it bad? –

Just in recent days we told you about the harmfulness of keeping the mobile phone always on. In an era where for work and private life we ​​are used to never turning it off, this habit, however, is not good for the cell phone and even less for our health. Over time we risk running into numerous problems, where the least complicated situation turns out to be damage to the smartphone and its replacement.

Is keeping your phone on all the time good for you? Word to the experts

Although the smartphone is now a great ally in work and above all in taking care of the chores of private life, keeping it on all the time is a bad habit. Since it is mainly a machine, the vehicle without a break risks becoming stressed and worn out prematurely. As the phone manufacturers themselves recommend, at least once a week the cell phone should be turned off and kept closed for at least a couple of hours. But why this advice?

Cell phone always on at night: why it’s bad –

Turning off your smartphone: what is it for?

Turning off the smartphone has benefits first and foremost on the battery, which will see its stress load reduced and potentially find a moment of rest. Especially with the very hot weather these days, telephone technicians recommend turning off your cell phone and storing it in a cool place. The custom of closing it for a couple of hours a week benefits the battery: it preserves it and allows it not to be changed within a few months.

Individuals also benefit from the weekly break operating systems of our smartphone. Closing it, technically speaking, also means allowing some applications to update. Not just those of games or other functions of small, medium or large importance. The operating system is also updated on the latest cyber threats, thus creating the necessary protections to defend our phone and above all our personal data from the threat of hackers. For this reason alone, it should be a habit pursued by many citizens.

The health benefits

Turning off your cell phone also means taking care of your body and your health. Closing it reduces exposure to radiation of telephony, which can cause serious problems such as tumors. It is proven that the benefits also reach the health level mental health: continuous use of the smartphone could generate obsessions towards the instrument. If this wasn’t serious enough, cell phones themselves can create an increase in states of anxiety and, above all, stress: think of messages in the middle of the night for work, which have very negative repercussions on sleep.

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