Ilaria Salis Insults Millions of Right-Wing Voters in a Post

Ilaria Salis Insults Millions of Right-Wing Voters in a Post
Ilaria Salis Insults Millions of Right-Wing Voters in a Post

The press officer’s dad was right Ilaria Salis promising the militants of Fratoianni&Bonelli great satisfaction from the daughter just elected to Brussels. For people like that, we will see immediately, satisfaction is not lacking: another matter for those who read and, between disconsolate and resigned, shake their heads. The companion Ilaler, perhaps to prove that she is “the same as always” net of the transfers from the ECB, immediately began to indulge in verbose rambling messages via social mediawith a vaguely Spalletti-like style: “It is therefore a question of understanding what the new internationalist form of anti-fascism should be, by influencing the living conditions of ‘common people’ (sic)”. The eloquence is what it is, pure alienation from social center, “sovereignty is the new fascism”, the typical egocentrism of kids, the artless and partless who claim a life on nothing, not exactly on laundry; we arrive at the grotesque of self-citation “for those who have always fought with coherence and sacrifice in the ranks of a militant anti-fascism”.

There is sacrifice, as in the case of some militants antifain going to look for heads to split like watermelons (even if one would prefer like Meloni)? In bivouacking in lodgings taken away from “common people”? Certain flights of fancy do not arouse amazement, the left, in particular the subversive, extra-parliamentary, activist, group-oriented one has lived off them for a lifetime, but it is the unsaid, the subsumed, the allusive: what does this former precarious worker, now a millionaire, mean by cheerfulness in the chestembedded in the phalanestries of capitalism that it pretends to execrate on Instagram, when it calls for new and vague actions of struggle against the right outlined with the typical invectives from a social centerwith veiled but clear threats, of a guerrilla nature? Does it mean that we must not, cannot accept the French vote? That we must react by “putting an end to ambiguities” and that is, how? The rambling message ends with the obligatory insurrectionist symbol and the fatal invitation, “everyone should do their part”.

From the analysis, so to speak, depressing, disheartening, of this miracle, emerges traits now hypocritical now farcical: is it precisely those who militate in favor of Palestinian groups whose ultimate goal is the elimination of Israel who attack anti-Semitism? Those who, and this is perhaps the most disturbing aspect, would like to eliminate the pressures of ” point the finger at authoritarianismostentatious climate denialism” in addition to the unspecified “gender issues”? Here, in the analytical idiocy, there is the purest, most uncontaminated spirit of the left that has no problems, that if necessary flaunts its contradictions: to impose, presumably with holy revolutionary violence, the new ecological orthodoxyhealth, economic, sexual in the name of the crusade against authoritarianism (of others) and even against the elementary protection of personal freedom, of the inviolability of one’s body, of the choices that affect one’s body.

Ilaler Salis writes as an ultra-communist but he presents himself as a fundamentalist ultra-European, his choices, his options adhere completely to the cartel, to the agenda of the ultra-liberal Klaus Schwab: “The 440 million European citizens should be vaccinated by force, those who refuse should be captured and eliminated”. And again: “In the world one in two is a useless eater, at least 4 billion should be suppressed”. With mandatory vaccinations, it must be said, they have made a good cut, with the ecological dictatorship they are no less.

A woman like this will earn twenty thousand euros a month for the next 5 years. In the jubilation of those who elected her and comment under her chameleonic ravings: “Comrade Salis, always with you”. Even at the bank, at the end of each month? In the tirade of the former precarious teacher, and one shudders at the idea of ​​a school system that allows such generational transmissions of conscience, there emerge, if we want to see them, ideas, elements for a quantity of crimes; her party, Green Left Allianceevery morning that God sends to earth wants to introduce a punitive provision, but “if we go and see” what its militant writes, we could conclude for the sanctioning of this PD branch in light of various instigations; below, a sympathizer sums it up in the most effective way: “You’re right comrade Ilaria! Militant anti-fascism, few words, many beatings!”. And as long as it limits itself to beatings…

Is this the civil, democratic debate? In short, beyond the contortions, he explains to us once and for all, “putting an end to the ambiguities”, how Salis intends to resolve the problem of the French vote which risks widening, of the “sovereign plague“, of the “most extreme and frightening elements” “which are not removed but left to operate under the surface, for example [nell’]apparent rejection of anti-Semitism”: that is, if someone on the right does not dissociate himself, he is like Hitler, but if he dissociates himself from the most racist impulses, it is not enough, it does not count, he is pretending, it is the same thing and so what to do? What to do?

It’s all so miserable if you think that there are those who have lived 40 years like this, as a bourgeois barricader with a family villa, and at this point they have turned, they have hit the jackpot on their nothingness, on the nothingness of those who imposed it, on those who chose it. Then there are “ordinary people” who work hard every day their whole lives and maybe when they return to the hovel they find it stolen, “occupied” by people of this kind. Yes, there would be plenty of elements to take legal action. But let’s ask again, once and for all: what does he want to do Ilaria Salis when he calls everyone together, when he urges everyone to do their part?

Max Del Papa, July 2, 2024 is also on Whatsapp. Just click here to subscribe to the channel and always be updated (free).

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