Italy 24 Press News

Cell phones on the beach: here’s what we need to be careful about

Does carrying your cell phone damage your smartphone? Here’s what the experts tell us about the problem of overheating

Cell phone at the seaside: why avoid bringing it –

It’s wonderful to wear the mobile phone on the beach, perhaps to immortalize a beautiful coastal landscape or swimming with family and friends. Although the use of smartphones can help us immortalize memories over time, through photos or videos, beaches in the height of summer could prove to be the least congenial places to use this tool. Let’s find out the reasons and advice from the experts on the matter.

Bringing your cell phone to the beach: why we should avoid it

Cell phones have always seen a problem that afflicts them: overheating. These tools, even when using applications in the background, tend to overheat. A phenomenon that unfortunately is not positive, since it can lead to serious permanent malfunctions of the phone and above all wear of the battery.

We had already seen the problems regarding telephone overheating last year, when with the first peak in temperatures the batteries tended to struggle, phones to heat up and cell phone performance to drop dramatically. Having consulted Apple, it was explained to us how individual smartphones – regardless of the manufacturing company – had not been tested to withstand the climatic fluctuations of recent years (great cold or heat). The advice given to customers, to give cell phones more breathing room, was to disable background updates: a way that, to a small extent, had helped the phones to breathe and the batteries to relax.

Cell phone in overheating state –

Smartphone at the seaside: the opinion of the experts

So, is it worth taking your cell phone to the beach? If possible, absolutely not. The telephone, especially now with the heat wave that is going through Italy, must remain in cool places. The advice is to keep it at home, if on holiday inside the tree room and in a ventilated place.

If you really need to take it to the beach, to use a virtual road map or take photos, you need to take advantage of some little advice. Bring a maximum of one cell phone per group of people, of course Always keep it in cool places and away from the sun’s rays. In this sense, you must be careful to always store it in a place with shade: it can fit under an umbrella, a cooler, a light dress or a beach towel pocket strictly in the shade.

Other solutions, starting with car or cabin, may prove ineffective: the smartphone would still overheat and would suffer probably irreversible damage. Situations where, most of the time, you have to change your cell phone directly.

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