Your smartphone tells you if you’re being spied on in your hotel room: here’s how

Among the many features that can be found on the most modern smartphones there is also one that allows you to protect yourself from prying eyes when you are in hotel rooms, Airbnbs or public bathrooms: let’s see together what it is.

With your smartphone you can find out if they spy on you in the hotel room (

In recent times we have also witnessed epochal improvements in the smartphone sector. The latest generation phones are truly equipped with top-level technical features and provide users with an exceptional amount of features. Today, with the most modern smartphones, you can really do anything and you can count on very large displays, processors that guarantee exciting performance, batteries that ensure very satisfactory battery life, cameras with which to take extraordinary shots and much more.

However, there are still several aspects of the latest smartphones that users know little about or perhaps have not been able to test at all. Precisely because there are now so many features it is not at all easy to have a clear idea of ​​how to use them all. Yet some of these can be really useful.

The smartphone immediately finds this thing in the hotel room

Just to give an example, there is a mobile phone feature that it can help you discover a detail within a room. The Instagram channel ‘Suggestions for you’ talked about it in detail, followed by over 40,000 followers. A video explains precisely this aspect that many users did not know at all.

With your phone you can find out if there are hidden cameras in hotels or public bathrooms (

The ‘gem’ is especially interesting for those who travel a lot and therefore often stop in hotels and hotels. Thanks to this feature of your phone you can find out if there are hidden cameras inside the hotel room. The procedure is really very simple.

The first thing to do is take the hotel or air conditioner remote control and press a button. Once this is done, take your mobile phone and point the camera at the remote control it will be possible to locate a light, which can only be seen via the camera. This is an infrared signal, which cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Hidden cameras: you can find them very easily thanks to your phone

Therefore, if you are inside a hotel room or in an Airbnb or even in a public bathroom and you suspect that you are being spied on you can check it using your phone’s camera. All you have to do is open the camera and analyze every object that doesn’t convince us.

Smoke detectors, for example, but also presence detectors, alarm clocks, sockets and so on. If we notice an infrared light through the camera it is likely that there are hidden cameras. Ideally, you should also check the mirrorsespecially those found in the bathroom.

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