A new species discovered in the sea: scholars speechless

A new species discovered in the sea: scholars speechless
A new species discovered in the sea: scholars speechless

A group of scientists have discovered, within the waters off the coast of the United Kingdom, a new species that has left them speechless.

Sea – travel.nanopress.it

During some normal fishing operations within British waters, some scientists have reported the presence of a new species of mollusk called Pleurobranchaea British.

The entire team of researchers from Center for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science of the United Kingdom and the University of Cadiz in Spain he managed to identify this species which initially left them speechless to say the least.

This specimen reaches 2 or 5 cm in length and is cream and clay colored with some white spots and a characteristic lateral gill that takes the shape of a leaf right on the right side of the body.

Researchers initially believed it was a more widespread species of marine mollusk called Pleurobranchaea meckeli.

Only after various research and studies did they come to the conclusion that it is another species…

New species in the sea, that’s what it’s about

A team of scientists has discovered, following the report of a new type of clam found within British waters during a routine fishing operation, a new species Of sea ​​snail scientifically called Pleurobranchaea.

Pleurobranchaea Britannica -viaggi.nanopress.it

Initially the team of researchers believed it was one sea ​​snail more widespread, especially within the northern parts of Spain.

But then, following various research, various checks and studies of the specimen, they came to the conclusion that it is a new species with physical characteristics different from classic sea snails.

This discovery it demonstrates how marine species move and adapt based on environmental changes. The marine biologist Peter Barry, who is also the author of the research regarding this new species of sea snail, states:

“Finding a new species that isn’t microscopic is pretty exciting. This shows that there is still a lot of work to do. As scientists, we have learned a lot from this new discovery. We’re talking about differences between species that are almost impossible to see with the naked eye. It demonstrates how easy it is to overlook and miss changes in the distribution and range of species we know or, in this case, the presence of a completely new species where it is not expected. This demonstrates the importance of continuing to question what we see if we want to advance our understanding of how our marine environment is changing.”

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