Italy 24 Press News

The real alternative to Zirkzee plays in Serie A: it’s the right shot

Milan want to close for Joshua Zirkzee, but it is inevitable to think about alternatives. Pay attention to what comes from Serie A

It is clear to everyone that the number one objective of Milan on the market either Joshua Zirkzee. The Devil has been working on the purchase of the Dutch striker for months now and is concretely cultivating the hope of being able to close the deal. A concrete hope due to the fact that the club has reached an agreement with the player, for a contract 4.5 million euros net per season and is ready to pour i 40 million euros of the clause in the coffers of the Bologna. Everything seems set for the big coup, but to get to checkers you will first have to overcome the obstacle of commissions.

Milan, the alternative to Zirkzee from Serie A (LaPresse) –

Zirkzee’s entourage keeps asking 15 million euros. A sum considered excessive by the Devil, who has never gone so far to buy a player. In the next few days – especially starting from July 1st when the clause will be paid – we will understand whether the negotiation will be unblocked or whether this wall against wall will continue, which could lead to Zirkzee somewhere else. The risk is clearly real, with the Manchester United and the Juventus, who have shown interest, but without taking such concrete steps. The inclusion of other teams or even a stay in Bologna cannot be ruled out, under conditions obviously different from the current ones.

Milan transfer market, Italian track for the attack: Scamacca’s idea

The Milan he wants to take the player home and it is no coincidence that no plans are being taken into consideration at the moment B, although there are obviously many names in the notebook, from which to draw if necessary. In recent days we have been talking more and more often about Dovbyk Ukrainian of Group, but they have not disappeared from the radar Gimenez of the Feyenoord And Jonathan David of the Lille.

Milan, here is the alternative to Zirkzee (LaPresse) –

Players with different characteristics from Zirkzee, who also – and this is no small detail – do not know the Italian championship. Looking precisely at this aspect, which should not be underestimated, pay attention to an idea that is too often overlooked, the one linked to Gianluca Scamacca. The class of 1999, after a complicated season in England, with the West Ham, took advantage of the treatment Gasperini, managing to relaunch himself and become the starter for the Italian national team in the Europeans in Germany. The player was the protagonist of Atalanta who won the‘Europa League: in 44 games played he thus managed to score 19 goals and make eight assists. He can leave the Bergamo team for a fee close to 40 million euros.

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