Italy 24 Press News

Betsson Sport, partnership Libera Rugby Club Rome – AGIMEG

Libera Rugby Club Rome participated in the final of Bingham Cup, the world’s largest inclusive amateur rugby event, which was held at the Tre Fontane Stadium. On the occasion of the final, the President of the Club, Nicolò Zitowas interviewed to discuss the importance of the event and the team’s participation.

Founded in July 2013 by Stefano Iezzi and Andrea Careca, Libera Rugby Club is the first amateur sports association Italian apolitical organization that promotes the spread of rugby in the LGBTQIA+ community. The team it is based on inclusiveness, ensuring that every individual can participate in sporting and social activity without suffering discrimination. Furthermore, thanks to Libera Rugby, una was introduced into the national federal statute in Italy anti-homophobia clause to sanction this type of unsportsmanlike behavior.

Betsson Sports recently decided to activate a partnership with Libera Rugby, demonstrating his commitment to supporting sport in all its facets. This support highlights the importance of promoting sport played fairly and inclusivelyfundamental values ​​of the Club, which are totally shared by the brand: respect, discipline and integration. In fact, the team is open to everyone, without constraints related to previous experience: to participate it is not necessary to know sport or be an athlete. The club follows the principles of Senior and Old Rugby, simplifying the game mechanics and offering training sessions conducted by certified coaches.

Betsson Sport has undertaken this partnership to support the Club throughout the year: we want to demonstrate that our commitment on the pitch is concrete and long-lasting” explains Stefano TinoManaging Director at Betsson Italia: “In fact, we firmly believe that inclusiveness is one of the fundamental values ​​to be promoted not only during Pride month, but consistently, day after day”

On the occasion of the Bingham Cup 2024 (22-26 May), the world tournament born from the idea of ​​some London boys in 1997, Rome hosted rugby teams from five continents; the management of the event was entrusted to Libera Rugby Club, which also had the task of honoring the memory of Mark Binghamopenly gay rugby player who lost his life on United Flight 93 during the attacks of 11 September 2001. cdn/AGIMEG

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