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Medical staff, Rugby Rovigo teaches future professionals

ROVIGO – From a medical point of view, the staff has fully achieved their objective. Yarno Celeghin (photo above while he intervenes on Casado Sandri and on the right Giulia Frizzarin)coordinator of the medical staff and member of the board of directors of viale Alfieri, after the 2023 championship, he was appointed directly by the president Francesco Zambelli.

A change requested by the technical staff and necessary to try to do better and better, optimizing resources, also involving young future professionals with an eye on the territory. “For this season I tried and succeeded in having Il Dr. Marcello Lavezzo, Sports Doctor, already in the past at Battaglini as consultant to the First Team and youth sectors, and young orthopedicsi Enrico Milana real Rovigo native and collaborator of the Equipe, and the Paduan Guido Maritan. They are two young and excellent surgeons that we wanted on the staff – he explains Yarno Celeghin co-founder of the Poliambulatorio Equipe of Rovigo – a necessary orthopedic expertise, as many teams have”.

Rugby Rovigo also provides a “school”, Dr. Pietro Ballarin was also there as an intern “He will specialize in sports medicine in Florence in November, he followed us throughout the season. Together with him too Giacomo Cavalieri who will graduate in physiotherapy in November, a former player trained by Lodi a Badia; a new one should also be highlighted agreement with the University of Ferrara. My goal was and is to broaden our base and be able to develop young professionals” The most important data of the season is clearly on the days of stoppage.

“Last year we had to deal with more than 2,000,000 days of zero activity, including training, just over 1,500 this year. One of the best years from this point of viewwas a focus that I coach Ale Lodi and the director Polla Roux they had given us, the objective was achieved, despite not having the largest squad in the championship” A large staff of physiotherapists who are increasingly important in professional sport. Giulia Frizzarin chosen as first physiotherapist, about to leave Rovigo for a new professional adventure, Andrea Tosi second physiotherapist, both from the Equipe staff, the historic masseur Iginio Bagatello and then Yarno Celeghin with the delicate role of working in the evaluations with the doctors after the match on Monday.

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“I would like to thank the athletic trainers Peter Pavanello and Athos Ferron (photo above with coach Lodi), the latter dedicated to the “RTP” (return to play) worked very well in parallel with the medical work for the reconditioning of the injured to be able to return them to the technical staff’s disposal in the best conditions possible. They are truly excellent professionals and both come from Rovigo, therefore with great attachment, which is no small feat. We have achieved a good level of organisation, with medical and technical staff aligned to manage and optimize time and resources to the maximum. We worked very well with Lodi with clear objectives, I have no doubt that it will be the same with Davide Giazzon”.

Not all miracles succeed, even medicine has its times. Before the semi-finals the fly-half Jacob Atkins he fractured his hand in the away game in Reggio Emilia, on which occasion Rovigo effectively lost the lead. A race against time began to have him available for the second semi-final against Petrarca on May 12th. “For the final there would have been little doubt about having him on the pitch – explains Yarno Celeghin – we did everything at the speed of lightthe timing was excellent, though the operation was more complex than the diagnosis, but when we came to decide whether to risk it, we spoke with the surgeon who operated on him. It was too dangerous, if a second injury had occurred it would have been much more difficult. Ten more days were enough, too bad.”

But there is a successful bet, and it is Giulian’s. After losing hooker Ferraro and Cadorini due to concussion on the Valorugby pitch, the third hooker also got hurt against Mogliano in game 1 of the playoffs. “We did everything we could, he was treated immediately, there was no time to waste – explains Celeghin – he recovered from a strain in 9 days. Against Petrarca he was regularly on the pitch.”

Time to say goodbye Giulia Frizzarin “Allow me to thank her for the great work she has done, she is an excellent professional and I wish her all the best in her future commitments – concludes Yarno Celeghin – I can announce that Dr. Pietro Ballarin will join the First Team staff next year, something that really pleases me.”.

Rugby Rovigo teaches, but there is more, even the medical staff ofUnder 18 rossoblù next year will be involved with the first team, starting with the Massotherapist Valeria Campion who has impressed well during this season; objective of fueling the supply chain concept so dear to President Francesco Zambelli.

Giorgio Achilli

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