SPB Biella hosted 20 Ukrainian athletes

Volleyball and friendship, volleyball is friendship. Between peoples, whatever they may be. The visit to Biella of a Ukrainian team composed of about twenty athletes, young people who have taken refuge in Poland since the beginning of the war, young people who have lost everything, even their dearest affections, ended a few days ago. The Scuola Pallavolo Biellese Monteleone Trasporti hosted them for a week as part of the project “Tre tocchi per la pace”.

The Biella company had the opportunity to meet the Ukrainian athletes during a tournament organized in spring in Krakow, Poland, during which the Biella group had also visited the concentration camps and other places of remembrance.

In Biella, the guests also had the opportunity to take part in a volleyball camp organized by SPB, whose technical director was none other than Massimo Eccheli, coach of Vero Volley Monza, a top-tier team in the Superleague. Together with him, the entire staff of SPB Monteleone Trasporti coaches. But the stay was not only about sports: the Ukrainian and Biella boys took part in various events organized especially for them in Gaglianico and Lessona before the final party at the M-App Hotel in Benna.

The Biella team leaders say: «A huge thank you goes to the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella, the Fondazione FILA Museum and the Province of Biella for contributing to the realization of the entire project. To the Municipalities of Gaglianico and Lessona, to the Arci of Lessona and last but not least, a heartfelt thank you to all the families, the SPB leaders and the kids who believed in this project and supported its success with their presence and commitment. Good luck to all the Ukrainian kids who passed through Biella during this fantastic week. We hope to see you again soon».

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