Volleyball, Cucine Lube presents the central defender Giovanni Gargiulo – Macerata News – CentroPagina

Volleyball, Cucine Lube presents the central defender Giovanni Gargiulo – Macerata News – CentroPagina
Volleyball, Cucine Lube presents the central defender Giovanni Gargiulo – Macerata News – CentroPagina

CIVITANOVA – The second new face is not yet a top player like the Canadian Loeppki but Giovanni Gargiulo, central from Sorrento, born in ’99 arriving from Taranto, is a sure prospect also from a national perspective. Engagement with contract three-year contract signed with the cooks he is the son of the excellent two-year period in Gioiella Prisma Tarantoculminating with the final experience in France, al Turcoing Lille Metropole, fourth force of the transalpine tournament. The federal staff also noticed the athlete’s progress, resulting in the call in blue of early May in Rome for a collegial.

For DG Cormio: «Giovanni showed us what he can do in the two matches against us but his numbers have been important throughout the season and the best players in the position rankings are always followed by clubs looking for a change. We kept an eye on him. We are in the presence of a young athlete, with a great physique, smart on and off the field. He has all the characteristics to be a suitable element for a Lube that wants to lower the average age.” For coach Medei: «We identified him for several reasons: he is constantly growing, he has had a good apprenticeship, also gaining experience in A2 and I believe he can continue to grow. Our new center back is still young and last season he highlighted himself with an excellent championship, especially blocking. I believe that he can take a further step in all the technical fundamentals and also on the physical level. I was very impressed by his attitude on the pitch. The competitive part is important for an athlete, the fact of being able to count on such a gritty element, together with the characteristics just listed, goes well with the idea we have of a team and with our project of helping young players consolidate and grow for the future of this Club.” The red and white new signing beams: «I am convinced that we will work well together and that I will be able to make a good contribution to the club from a character and human point of view, but also from a professional and sporting one – said Gargiulo – I don’t think I have anything exceptional, although I have a lot of determination, there are numerous aspects that I will work on with Medei and the staff. The goal is to put myself at the service of the team and try, together with my teammates, to do our best, thinking one game at a time without setting limits.”

Meanwhile, the long summer of volleyball is ready to begin Volleyball Nations League 2024And four players from Cucine Lube Civitanova they are at the starting line to represent their respective national teams. In contention in this one first phase which ends on June 30th I’m free Fabio Balaso with the Italy shirt, the spiker Eric Loeppky to fight for the colors of Canada, the central Barthelemy Chinenyeze to wall for the transalpine selection and the opposite Adis Lagumdzija of Türkiye. On his debut day he suffered a red and white derby between Turkey’s Lagumdzija and Canada’s Loeppkywhile France’s Chinenyeze deals with Bulgaria, orphan of Alex Nikolov (unavailable) and coached by the former kitchen technician Chicco Blengini, at the reins of the Balkan selection. The debut of the Azzurri, however, is scheduled for tonight 22 May, at 10.30 pm Italian time, against Germany in Rio De Janeiro. He will be there on the pitch Balaso but not Mattia Bottolowhich is not on the list of fourteen of Fefè De Giorgi in Rio.

As regards Nikolov, following further diagnostic tests, it was decided to postpone the operation to remove the herniated disc and favor the path of conservative therapies which could soon provide positive indications. The situation will be reassessed in a month.

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