Piacentini in panic after the farewell to the protected electricity market

Piacentini in panic after the farewell to the protected electricity market
Piacentini in panic after the farewell to the protected electricity market

Every day at Federconsumatori the phone rings at least ten times.
On the other end of the line there are alarmed people: from Monday 1st July, in fact, we have said goodbye to the protected electricity market. In concrete terms, this means for everyone to choose the offer on the free market that best suits their needs.

“hot” phones

“We get a lot of phone calls from people asking for clarifications,” emphasizes Erisa Dakoli, representing Federconsumatori, “we get at least ten a day. Among other things, many people don’t know if they’re already in the free market or if they’ve remained in the protected market: they want to know how much they’ll pay in their next bills, but in fact we can’t say for sure because the price of electricity will be based on market trends, we’ll see at the end of the month.”

disinformation enemy number one

“The biggest problem was poor information from the competent bodies – explains Luca Braggion, representative of Adiconsum – we did not register a boom in phone calls yesterday, however in the last few days several people have contacted us to try to understand the change. Disinformation is the most complex aspect of this phase: probably both Arera and the government should have invested more resources and energy to inform citizens. We will see how it goes in the next few days”.

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