Meloni attacks Schlein: “He says I have canceled freedom, explain why”. The reply: “With starvation wages and without being able to take care of yourself you are not free”

Meloni attacks Schlein: “He says I have canceled freedom, explain why”. The reply: “With starvation wages and without being able to take care of yourself you are not free”
Meloni attacks Schlein: “He says I have canceled freedom, explain why”. The reply: “With starvation wages and without being able to take care of yourself you are not free”

The prime minister against the dem secretary: “She accuses me of canceling people’s freedom. A singular accusation for those who voted for measures to lock people inside their homes during the pandemic, measures on which we instead voted against”. Conte: “What does she have to do with it? She had no role. Giorgia, confront me”

A video-monologue to say that the RAI occupation does not exist and to attack the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein: Giorgia Meloni resurrects the social column “Giorgia’s notes” after months and renames it “TeleMeloni”, mocking the opposition’s complaints and of the press associations regarding government interference on public television (resulted in […]




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A video monologue to say that the RAI occupation does not exist and to attack the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein: Giorgia Meloni resurrects the social column after months “Giorgia’s notes” and renames it “TeleMeloni“, mocking the complaints of the opposition and press associations regarding the government’s interference on public television (which resulted in a journalists’ strike on 6 May). “The only one TeleMeloni that exists is this“, says the Prime Minister (video). The accusations about Rai “are just fake news from a left which, being committed to occupy the television, thinks others are like her. But since we are very, and proudly, different from the left, we have already dismantled this hoax with data in hand,” she says. In another passage of the video, then, she addresses the Democratic Party secretary by showing a post published on Instagram by the Democratic Party’s account: “Schlein recently said that in this year and a half of government I would erasing people’s freedom. When you make an accusation, especially if it is a serious accusation, you must be in a position to argue it. Then I would like to ask Elly Schlein to state clearly what freedoms have been canceled by this government.”

The reply of the dem secretary – The response of the leader of the Nazarene comes from the Naples march against differentiated autonomy (video): “If you have a starvation wage and cannot pay the rent, you are not fully free, while the Meloni government blocks the proposal on minimum salary on which we collect signatures throughout Italy and delete the rent funds from 330 million. If you get cancer and are unable to book subsequent visits with public health, you are not free, or you are free if you struggle to find five hundred euro. I worry about those who don’t even try to look for five hundred euros. These are compressed freedoms by the government’s foolish choices,” he explains. “Cancel the citizen’s income, which was the only tool to fight poverty, which we could improve together but they dismantled, block the minimum wage, increase the precariousness of work with fixed-term contracts and canceling the rent fund are measures that go in the direction of limiting the freedom of citizens, above all the freedom of free oneself from needwhich is the social and wage issue that the Democratic Party wants to plant like a pickaxe in this electoral campaign,” he states.

Conte: “What does Schlein have to do with the closures of the pandemic” – But the controversy opened by Meloni also provokes a reaction from Giuseppe Conte. The prime minister contested the accusation received from Schlein regarding the “freedoms of people being erased”, defining it as “singular for those who voted for the measures to lock people inside their homes during the pandemic, measures on which we instead voted against”. But at the time the head of the government, as is known, was the current leader of the M5s: “Giorgia, in order to escape confrontation with me, now you’re taking it out on Schlein for her pandemic closures. Excuse but What does Schlein have to do with it?? She had no role. If you want to discuss this, let’s meet here Mentana or wherever you want me to explain everything to you. But above all I will refresh your memory, given that you are now so accustomed to your lies that you mistake them for reality”, writes the former prime minister on social media. Also posting an old tweet from Meloni from 2020: “Look what you said in March 2020, when you wanted to close everything! Then you started a whirlwind of on and off, a truly unserious and irresponsible farce. Memories?”.

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